I. Where It Starts II. How It Begins III. How It Manifests Itself
I. The Meaning of the Kingdom II. The Petition for the Kingdom III. The Realization of the Kingdom
I. In Jesus Christ II. In the Church III. In Believers
I. What It Means That God Is Our Father II. How This Helps Us to Pray
I. It Is the Chief Part of Thankfulness II. It is the Way of Receiving Grace
I. Requirement II. Evaluation III. Purpose
I. The False Claim II. The Self Deception III. The Penetrating Judgment
I. God as Worker II. Man as Worker III. Reasons for Work
I. The Bases for the Seventh Commandment II. The Seriousness of the Seventh Commandment III. The Calling of the Seventh Commandment
I. Judas’ Repentance II. Judas’ Suicide