I. The Prohibition II. The Requirement III. The Manner
I. A Pointed Question II. The Reformation Answer
I. What They Are II. How He Turns Them
I. Old Testament Teaching II. New Testament Teaching III. Practical Teaching
I. The Despondent Complaint II. The Unwearying God III. The Strengthening Promise
I. As the Triune God II. In the Incarnate Son III. In the Lord’s Supper
I. His Mediation II. His Ransom III. His Proclamation
I. The Meaning II. The Washing III. The Calling
I. From the Preaching of the Christian Gospel II. From the Work of the Holy Spirit III. From the Grace of the Triune God
I. The Standard of Good Works II. The Reward of Good Works III. The Certainty of Good Works