I. The Appointing Lord II. The Beneficent Lord III. The Commanding Lord
I. In the Old Testament II. In the New Testament
I. The Meaning II. The Preservation
I. The Idea of Jesus' Names II. The Meaning of Jesus' Four Names III. The Significance of Jesus' Four Names
I. The Meaning of It II. The Advantage of It
I. Believing in God as Creator II. Believing in God as Almighty III. Believing in God as Father
I. The Questions Which Occasion This Teaching II. The Doctrines Which Require This Teaching III. The Comfort Which Flows From This Teaching
I. The World That Is Overcome II. The Faith That Overcomes III. The Life of Overcoming
I. Our Human Mediator II. Our Divine Mediator III. Our Only Mediator
I. The Mediator of God’s Saving Will II. The Mediator in His Threefold Office III. The Mediator of Covenant Fellowship