I. The Calling II. The Basis III. The Motivation
I. Hallowing It as a Special Gift II. Hallowing It as a Perpetual Sign III. Hallowing It as a Means of Sanctification
I. The Glorious Name II. The Horrible Sins III. The Holy Duty
I. The First Commandment II. The Second Commandment III. The Gracious Salvation
I. The Perfection II. The Primacy III. The Application
I. Jeremiah’s Prophecy II. Sacramental Language III. Spiritual Blessings
I. Its Meaning II. Its Two Parts
I. The Objects of Salvation II. The Nature of Salvation III. The Purpose of Salvation
I. The Meaning II. The Reasons III. The Implications
I. From the Covenant and Spirit II. From the Kingdom and Promise III. From the Church and Circumcision