I. Justified Through Faith II. A Dead Faith III. A Living Faith That Works
I. The Doctrine of Predestination II. The Concept of Our Adoption III. God's Glorious Purpose
I. The Blessing Is a Present Reality II. The Firm Basis Is Jesus Christ Alone III. The Personal Identification by the Walk
I. Their Identity II. Christ’s Care of Them III. Their Future Blessedness
I. Terrible Sufferings II. Sufferings Through Faith III. Victorious Sufferings
I. The Rock on Which Christ Builds His Church II. The Meaning of Christ Builds His Church III. The Means by Which Christ Builds His Church
I. Thick Darkness II. God-Forsaken Cry III. Blasphemous Mockery IV. Wonderful Triumph
I. What It Does Not Mean II. What It Does Mean