I. The Meaning II. The Reason
I. The Grace That Will Be Ours II. The Hoping to Which We Are Called
I. Knowing the Adversary II. Avoiding an Ambush III. Withstanding an Attack
I. Out of an Incorruptible Seed II. By the Word of God III. To Love One Another
I. The Children’s Praise II. The Enemy’s Opposition III. The Saviour’s Response
I. Extolling God’s Glory II. Announcing God’s Goodwill III. Proclaiming God’s Peace
I. Redeemed From What? II. Redeemed With What? III. Redeemed To What?
I. The Meaning II. The Calling
I. The Meaning II. The Basis III. The Manner
I. The Situation II. The Calling III. The Urgency