I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Reason
I. All of Grace II. Not of Yourselves III. Not of Works
I. His Old and New Names Contrasted II. His New Name Prophesied III. His Reception of Grace Assured
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:23 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. What Was Done II. Why It Was Done III. How It Was Done
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:22 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. What He Commanded II. Why He Commanded It
Bible Text: II Corinthians 3:3 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart I. Its Writing II. Its Manifestation III. Its Ministers
Bible Text: Hebrews 12:5-11 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart I. The Nature of Chastening II. The Source of Chastening III. The Goal of Chastening
Bible Text: II Corinthians 5:18-19 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. The Meaning II. The Accomplishment III. The Proclamation
Bible Text: John 10:28-30 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. The Meaning II. The Necessity III. The Reason
Bible Text: John 6:38-40 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart I. What It Is II. What Christ Does