I. Over the Universe II. Over the Church
I. The Significant Meaning II. The Spiritual Calling
I. His Commission II. His Message III. His Future
I. The Zealous Persecutor II. The Sudden Convert III. The Spiritual Lessons
I. Grace’s Meaning II. Grace’s Effects III. Grace’s Calling
I. What Is Required Toward God II. What Is Required Toward My Neighbour III. What Is Required That I Learn
I. The Crowds Rejoice II. The Pharisees Despair III. The Disciples Understand
Bible Text: Matthew 13:44 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown | I. Hidden in a Field II. Discovered with Great Joy III. Obtained at Great Cost
Bible Text: Matthew 13:33 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown | I. The Leaven II. The Hiding of the Leaven III. The Effect of the Leaven
Bible Text: Luke 15:25-32 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown | I. Its Expression II. Its Root III. Its Rebuke