I. The Source of the Quotation II. The Appropriateness of the Quotation III. The Context of the Quotation
I. Unto Whom? II. How? III. Where?
I. The Two Parties II. The Basic Relationship III. The Unashamed Naming
I. God’s Goal for His People II. God’s Perfection of Jesus III. God’s Lordship Over All
I. What We See II. Where We See III. How We See
I. A Jewish Millennium? II. The Eternal State? III. The Messianic Era?
I. The Prefall Adam? II. The Lord Jesus? III. The New Humanity?
I. The Speakers II. The Punishments III. The Witnesses
I. The Vivid Prohibition II. The Serious Calling III. The Powerful Reasons
I. Office II. Beneficiaries III. Role