I. This Is Part of My Commission II. The Spirit Descended Like A Dove III. He Baptizes With the Holy Spirit
I. The Beautiful Name II. The Glorious Work III. The Profound Revelation
Bible Text: John 1:31-34 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: John the Baptist's Public Ministry | I. This Is Part of My Commission II. The Spirit Descended Like A…
I. Who Are You? II. Why Do You Baptize?
I. The Popular Misconception II. The Biblical Teaching III. The Significant Dialogue
I. His Baptism by Water II. His Baptism by the Spirit
I. John’s Message II. John’s Uniqueness III. John’s Purpose
I. The Time When the Voice Cried II. The Crowds That Came to Hear the Voice III. The Message Declared by the Voice
I. The Fact of It II. The Misrepresentation of It III. The Significance of It
I. His Spiritual Instruction II. His Personal Growth