I. The Joyful Birth II. The Contested Naming III. The Resulting Awe
I. The Occasion II. The Significance
I. John’s Nazarite Office II. John’s Elijah-Like Power III. John’s Father’s Unbelief
I. John’s Godly Parents II. Zacharias’ Holy Calling III. Gabriel’s Glad Announcement
I. The Need for the Word to Reveal God II. The Nature of the Word’s Revelation of God
I. The Pre-Existent One II. The Fulness From Whom We Receive III. The Bringer of Grace and Truth
I. The Meaning of the Incarnate Word II. The Dwelling of the Incarnate Word
I. The Glory of the Incarnate Word II. The Fulness of the Incarnate Word
I. The Meaning of His Own II. The Rejection by His Own
I. Our Right to Be His Children II. Our Birth as His Children