I. Jerusalem Is Above II. Jerusalem Is Free III. Jerusalem Is Mother
I. The Resurfacing Question II. The Powerful Application III. The Allegorical Method
I. The Bold Illustration II. The Text’s Exposition III. The Practical Application
I. The Occasion for This Word II. The Application of This Word
I. His Jewish Example II. His First Visit III. His Perceptive Question
I. The Remarkable Transitions II. The Striking Principle III. The Solemn Fear
I. The Sending of the Son II. The Adoption of Sons III. The Application to Sons
I. The Illustration of God’s People II. The Unity of God’s People III. The Childhood of God’s People
I. The Abrogation of the Mosaic Law II. The Blessings of the Messianic Era III. The Fulfilment of the Abrahamic Covenant
I. The Profound Meaning II. The Powerful Means