I. The Holy Reason II. The Wonderful Meaning
I. Illusive II. Discovered III. Priceless
I. The Idea of Committing One's Way II. The Trust in Committing One's Way III. The Promise Attached in Committing Our Way
I. The Profound Reflection of Moses II. The Practical Lessons for Us
I. As an Office-Bearer II. For My Labour III. As I Face Opposition
I. The Relationship II. The Fruit
Bible Text: Psalm 32:3-5 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Painful Chastisement II. Necessary Chastisement III. Effectual Chastisement
I. In Eden II. Now III. In the World to Come
Bible Text: II Samuel 16:5-14 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart
I. God Has Made an Everlasting Covenant With Us II. God Will Not Turn Away From Us III. We Will Not Depart From Him