I. A Devastating War II. A Righteous War III. An Unappreciated War
I. The Miraculous Event II. The Significant Victory III. The Moral Weakness
I. David’s Military Organization II. Joab’s Decisive Action III. Absalom’s Terrible End
I. The Message From Hushai II. The Suicide of Ahithophel III. The Provisioning at Mahanaim
I. Ahithophel’s Counsel II. Hushai’s Counsel III. God’s Counsel
I. Hushai the Plant II. Wicked Ahithophel
I. The Dark Background II. The Nazarite Saviour III. The Wonderful Announcer
I. In a Covenant Home II. Under Philistine Oppression III. Blessed by Jehovah
I. Abishai’s Reaction II. David’s Reaction
I. Shimei and His Actions II. Shimei and His Beliefs III. Shimei and the Past