I. The Covenant Document II. The Covenant Pledge III. The Covenant Ceremony
I. Its Spiritual Preparations II. Its Redemptive History III. Its Covenant Plea
I. Its Biblical Preparations II. Its Joyful Celebration III. Its Christian Fulfilment
I. The Holy Day II. The Wonderful Scene III. The Godly People
I. The New Appointments II. The Old Genealogy III. The Important Lessons
I. The False Prophets II. The Finished Walls III. The Fifth Column
I. The Four Invitations II. The Open Letter III. The Crucial Letters
I. The Great Outcry II. The Problem Solved III. The Godly Example
I. By Watching and Praying II. By Information and Dedication III. By Sword and Trowel
I. The Enemy’s Mockery II. The Leader’s Prayer III. The People’s Work