I. The Address of Samuel II. The Choice of Saul III. The Response of Israel
I. The Event in the City II. The Signs on the Way III. The Conversation Back Home
I. Seeking for Lost Asses II. Looking for Samuel III. Feasting with Samuel
I. Israel’s Demand II. Samuel’s Answer III. Israel’s Insistence
I. It is the Same in Essence as the Other Covenants II. It is Better than the Other Covenants III. It is the Culmination of the Other Covenants
I. Its Essence II. Its Elements III. Its Fulfilment
I. Its Relationship to the Covenant with Abraham II. Its Relationship to Christ
I. Its Beneficiaries II. Its Blessings
I. Its Nature II. Its Beneficiaries
I. In the New World II. In the New Heavens and the New Earth