I. The Work Teams II. The Striking Features III. The Spiritual Reasons Map 1 (https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/813110907698080536/) Map 2 (https://visualunit.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/jerusalem.png)
I. Its Gates II. Its Walls III. Its Landmarks Map 1 (https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/813110907698080536/) Map 2 (https://visualunit.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/jerusalem.png)
I. The Inspection of the Walls II. The Gathering of the People III. The Opposition of the Enemies Map of Jerusalem's walls: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/c3/57/d0c357aa8f018cdd335a9435b3403253.jpg
I. Its Features II. Its Background III. Its Issue
I. His Specific Inquiry II. His Deep Mourning III. His Covenant Prayer
I. The Dangerous Meeting With the Lord in the Inn II. The Glad Meeting With Aaron at Mount Sinai III. The Successful Meeting With Israel’s Elders in Egypt
I. The Biblical Testimony II. The Appropriate Placement III. The Vital Significance
I. Moses’ Refusal of God’s Call II. Jehovah’s Response to Moses’ Refusal
I. Moses’ Objection II. Jehovah’s Questions III. Jehovah’s Promise
I. The Reasoning of Moses II. The Signs of Jehovah III. The Application to Us