I. Adam Created in God’s Covenant II. Adam Living in God’s Covenant III. Adam Transgressing God’s Covenant
I. Adam Created in God’s Covenant II. Adam Living in God’s Covenant III. Adam Transgressing God’s Covenant
I. Adam Created in God’s Covenant II. Adam Living in God’s Covenant III. Adam Transgressing God’s Covenant
I. His Marriage to Keturah II. His Gathering to His People
I. Abraham Sends His Servant II. His Servant Finds Rebekah III. Isaac & Rebekah Marry
I. Abraham’s Mourning at the Death of Sarah II. Abraham’s Obtaining a Burial Ground for Sarah III. Abraham’s Motivation in Burying Sarah
I. The Amazing Obedience II. The Gracious Provision III. The Divine Blessing
I. The Godly Laughter of Sarah II. The Mocking Laughter of Ishmael III. The Wandering of Hagar & Ishmael
I. Abraham’s Sin II. Abraham’s Protection III. Abraham’s Deliverance
I. The Lord’s Revelation to Abraham II. Abraham’s Intercession Before the Lord