I. Abraham’s Hospitality II. The Lord’s Promise III. Sarah’s Faithfulness
I. What Is the Covenant? II. With Whom Is It Made? III. What Is Its Sign?
I. The Foolish "Marriage" II. The Domestic Strife III. The Angel’s Message
I. The Nature of the Covenant Bond II. The Future of the Covenant People III. The Extent of the Covenant Land
I. The Meaning II. The Timing III. The Significance
I. The Battle II. The Rescue III. The Blessing
I. The Strife Between their Herdsmen II. The Parting of Their Ways III. The Renewal of the Promise
I. Abraham Called Out of Ur II. Abraham Coming into Canaan III. Abraham Departing into Egypt
I. As Presented in the Text II. As Unfolded in the Bible
I. The Sinful Alliances II. The Water Supply III. The Resulting Devastation