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Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom


David Engelsma   (158 pp. Softback)

A stirring defence of Reformed amillennialism. Includes superb exegesis of Isaiah 65, Matthew 24, II Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20, etc.

The subject of the book is eschatology, the biblical doctrine of the last things.

“We amillennialists,” writes Engelsma, “proclaim a gospel that declares the little flock of Christ, that will always have tribulation in the world and whose members are killed all the day long, to be not merely conquerors but ‘more than conquerors’ (Luke 12:32; John 16:33; Rom. 8:36-37). See, this is not pessimism. This is optimism. This is the hugest optimism. This is optimism without any hint of pessimism.”

Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom includes fine exegesis of Revelation 20, Matthew 24 and Isaiah 65:17-25, and refutes “Jewish Dreams” and preterism.

Originally this book was a series of editorials in the Standard Bearer magazine.

“[Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom] breathes of the comfort and hope that the return of Christ brings to the believer … It is well-written and timely in its refutation of the views of Christian Reconstructionism” (British Church Newspaper).

“I was very blessed by Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom by Prof. Engelsma. I devoured it within the first week of its arrival.” – Norway

What a wonderful book in times like these, even in Namibia! … It is one of my library books that I give to members of the congregation.” – Namibia

I found Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom by Professor David Engelsma very helpful and would heartily recommend it.” – England
Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom saved me from a heresy. I thought theonomy was a good way of enforcing Christian morality in the world but in the end it’s what Professor Engelsma said. It leads you to hope for this world, not the Lord’s second coming. Besides, it’s theologically wrong to require the civil laws of the covenant with Moses, which was abolished, in the New Testament world.” – Brazil

This book was reviewed in the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal.  To read the review, click here.

To watch the video of the author interview concerning this book, click here. The author interview is also available in Spanish.

To order in N. America, please contact Hope Protestant Reformed Church, Redlands, California.

To read this book in Portuguese, click here.
To read chapters of this book in Polish, click here.


Engelsma, David

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