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Polski / Polish



Millions of people from all around the globe are searching the World Wide Web for biblical materials every day. Could you translate materials from our website or our books, etc., into Polish? Are there, for example, any of our pamphlets that you would love your fellow Polish speakers to read in their mother tongue? We post free books to willing and capable volunteers! Read “Translating for the CPRC Website: Questions and Answers” for more details. “… we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11)!


Wyznania Wiary (Creeds)


Wiara Reformowana (Reformed Faith)


Pismo Święte (Scripture)


Bóg (God)

  • Jahwe a Allah
    Angus Stewart (“Jehovah and Allah,” Covenant Reformed News, volume 9, issue 3)
  • Podwójna procesja Ducha
    Ron Hanko (“The Double Procession of the Spirit,” Covenant Reformed News, volume 19, issue 12)


Boże Atrybuty (God’s Attributes)


Boża Suwerenność (Sovereignty of God)


Stworzenie (Creation)


Grzech (Sin)


Pięć Punktów Kalwinizmu (The Five Points of Calvinism by Herman Hanko and David J. Engelsma)


Pięć Punktów Kalwinizmu (The Five Points of Calvinism by Herman Hanko and David J. Engelsma – AUDIOS)     [youtube]


Usprawiedliwienie (Justification)


Ewangeliczna Prawda o Usprawiedliwieniu (The Gospel Truth of Justification by David J. Engelsma)


Zbawienie (Salvation)


Wytrwanie Świętych (Perseverance of the Saints)


Boża Skuteczna Chęć Zbawienia (God’s Effectual Saving Desire)


Niepowszechna Łaska (Uncommon Grace)


Kościół (Church)


Przymierze (Covenant)


Chrzest Niemowląt (Infant Baptism)


Eschatologia (Eschatology)


Obrona (Reformowanego) amilenializmu (Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom: A Defense of Reformed Amillennialism by David J. Engelsma)


Refomowany Światopogląd (The Reformed Worldview by David J. Engelsma and Herman Hanko)


Bądźcie Świętymi: Reformowana doktryna uświęcenia (Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification by David J. Engelsma and Herman Hanko)


Etyka (Ethics)


Homoseksualizm (Homosexuality)


Nowy Testament (Old Testament)


Stary Testament (New Testament)


Historia Kościoła (Church History)


Amyraldianizm (Amyraldianism)


Charyzmatyzm: Historia i Główne Doktryny (Charismaticism: History & Main Doctrines)


Pozostałe (Others)

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