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Deutsch (German)




Millions of people from all around the globe are searching the World Wide Web for biblical materials every day. Could you translate materials from our website or our books, etc., into German? Are there, for example, any of our pamphlets that you would love your fellow German speakers to read in their mother tongue? We post free books to willing and capable volunteers! Read “Translating for the CPRC Website: Questions and Answers” for more details. “… we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11)!




Die Glaubensbekenntnisse usw. (Creeds, etc.)


Der Reformierte Glaube (Reformed Faith)


Die Heilige Schrift (Scripture)


Gott (God)


Der Mensch (Man)


Die Fünf Punkte des Calvinismus (The Five Points of Calvinism)

  • Völlige Verderbtheit
    Herman Hanko (“Total Depravity,” a chapter from The Five Points of Calvinism [1976])
  • Bedingungslose Erwählung
    Herman Hanko (“Unconditional Election,” a chapter from The Five Points of Calvinism [1976])
  • Begrenzte Versöhnung
    Homer C. Hoeksema (“Limited Atonement,” a chapter from The Five Points of Calvinism [1976])
  • Unwiderstehliche Gnade
    Gise Van Baren (“Irresistible Grace,” a chapter from The Five Points of Calvinism [1976])
  • Die Beharrlichkeit der Heiligen
    Gise Van Baren (“Perseverance of the Saints,” a chapter from The Five Points of Calvinism [1976])


Die Souveränität Gottes (Sovereignty of God)

Die Berufung (Calling)

Wen will Gott erretten? (God’s Effectual Saving Desire)

Das Evangelium (Gospel)


Richtet sich Gottes Gnade an alle Menschen? (Uncommon Grace)


Die Kirche (Church)


Die Sakramente (Sacraments)

  • Die Sakramente
    Ron Hanko (“The Sacraments,” an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Zwei Sakramente
    Ron Hanko (“Two Sacraments,” an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)


Die Taufe (Baptism)

Kindertaufe (Infant Baptism)


Das Abendmahl (Lord’s Supper)


Eschatologie (Eschatology)


Der Bund (Covenant)


Ehe, Scheidung usw. (Marriage and Divorce, etc.)


Das Leben als Christ (Christian Life)


Die Pfingstbewegung (Pentecostalism)


Katastrophen (Catastrophes)


Sonstiges (Others)

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