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Showing 21–40 of 182 results

  • Biblical and Religious Psychology

    Herman Bavinck   (288 pp. Hardback)

    Profound theological anthropology covering man as a religious and moral being, possessed of soul, spirit, heart and desires, and intellect and will, etc., especially as all this impinges upon psychology and pedagogy.

  • £15.00

    The Nativity and Childhood of Jesus Christ

    Martyn McGeown   (288 pp. Hardback)

    Twenty-one chapters that increase our joy and wonder at the birth of our Saviour.

  • £8.00

    David J. Engelsma   (184 pp. Hardback)

    In the form of letters, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century on the basis of Scripture, the Belgic Confession and John Calvin’s controversy with the Nicodemites.

  • £10.00

    A 4-issue subscription to a superb 48-page journal promoting the Reformed faith.

  • £7.50

    Martyn McGeown   (304 pp. Softback)

    What did the Lord Jesus, while He was on earth, say about His own return? Read this superb exposition of Matthew 24-25 by CPRC missionary, Rev. Martyn McGeown, and find out!

  • £0.00

    Herman Hoeksema   (60 pp. Softback)

    Contrasts Calvin’s teaching, in his book Calvin’s Calvinism, with well-meant offer theologians, Louis Berkhof and H. J. Kuiper.

  • £15.00

    John Calvin   (330 pp. Hardback)

    Calvin’s Calvinism, consisting chiefly of God’s Eternal Predestination and Secret Providence, is, as the Genevan Reformer himself states, his fullest presentation of the absolute sovereignty of God—going beyond even its treatment in his Institutes.

  • Christ and His Church Through the Ages by Herman Hanko

    Herman Hanko (272 pp., hardback)

    Fascinating story of the ancient church in a textbook format with sidebars, maps and charts.

  • £7.00

    David Engelsma   (158 pp. Softback)

    A stirring defence of Reformed amillennialism. Includes superb exegesis of Isaiah 65, Matthew 24, II Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20, etc.

  • £9.00

    David Engelsma   (192 pp. hardback)

    A devastating critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and its grandiose mission of “Christianizing” (not converting) the ungodly world.

  • £27.00

    Gertrude Hoeksema   (600 pp. Hardback)

    Illustrated Bible storybook for young children.

  • £4.50

    David Engelsma   (100 pp. Softback)

    A refutation of common grace as advocated by Richard Mouw in He Shines in All that’s Fair: Culture and Common Grace.

  • £15.00

    Herman Hoeksema   (x + 352 pp, Hardback)

    In this second book in the Reformed Spirituality series, Herman Hoeksema’s 45 meditations speak of the believer’s blessed communion with God.

  • £15.00

    Herman Hanko   (392 pp. Hardback)

    A companion to Portraits of Faithful SaintsContending for the Faith presents the history of heretics from AD 100 to the present, demonstrating the connection between heresies of long ago and those attacking the Reformed faith today, and calling us to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).

  • £15.00

    Herman Hanko & Mark Hoeksema  (272 pp. Hardback)

    What is the history of the strange idea that Almighty God has passionate but weak and unfulfilled desires to save those whom He has eternally reprobated? Church historian Prof. Hanko guides us through the controversies in which various parties corrupted the sovereign grace and Word of God.

  • £15.00

    David Engelsma   (288 pp. Hardback)

    Traces the doctrines of covenant and election in the confessional documents of the Reformed churches and in the 16th-20th century church fathers. It also deals with the contemporary heresy of the Federal Vision.

  • £20.00

    Brian Huizinga   (288 pp. Hardback)

    A theological and historical exposition of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the oft-neglected topic of the rewards of grace for God’s children—in both the present life and in the world to come

  • Dating Differently by Joshua Engelsma

    A Guide to Reformed Dating

    Joshua Engelsma   (160 pp. Softback)

    What is the will of God regarding dating? This fine book gives biblical, pastoral and practical guidelines.


  • £15.00

    Ronald Hanko   (338 pp. Hardback)

    Short, easy-to-read explanations of over 235 topics in Reformed theology. Comprehensive and succinct yet warm and personal. Second edition.

  • £15.00

    Thomas Miersma   (246 pp. Hardback)

    A thought-provoking commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes pointing to the need for a Saviour in this fallen, vain world.

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