Showing 161–180 of 182 results
Herman Hoeksema (77 pp. Softback)
An examination of the doctrine of common grace as embodied in the notorious “three points” of the Christian Reformed Church.
£15.00 – £20.00
Homer C. Hoeksema & David Engelsma
A rich exposition of Old Testament history from a covenantal perspective in attractive hardback volumes.
David Engelsma and Brian Huizinga (184 pp. Softback)
Union with our Lord Jesus Christ, the subject of this book, is a profound and beautiful biblical truth that exalts the Triune God and comforts believers.
Don Doezema (1411 pp. Hardback)
This 3-volume, easy-to-read set covers the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ, as well as the Acts of the Apostles.
Connie Meyer (179 pp. Spiral Bound)
Volume 1 – Lessons for ages 4-6. A teacher’s manual for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons teach the elements of art: line, shape, texture, colour, value and form.
Homer C. Hoeksema (367 pp., hardback)
Covering creation to the flood, this is Old Testament history from a covenantal perspective.
Connie Meyer (179 pp. Spiral Bound)
Lessons for ages 7-8. A teacher’s manual for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons teach the elements of art: line, shape, texture, colour, value and form.
Homer C. Hoeksema (327 pp., hardback)
A rich exposition of Old Testament history, covering the period after the flood to Isaac, from a covenantal perspective in an attractive hardback volume.
Connie Meyer (280 pp. Spiral Bound)
A teacher’s manual for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons for ages 9-11 teach the elements of art: line, shape, texture, colour, value and form.
Homer C. Hoeksema (327 pp, hardback)
Rich Old Testament history from Jacob to the Exodus from a covenantal perspective.
Homer C. Hoeksema (394 pp., hardback)
Written from a covenantal perspective, this rich exposition of Old Testament history covers the wilderness wanderings and settlement in Canaan.
David Engelsma (213 pp., hardback)
A rich exposition of Judges and Ruth from a covenantal perspective in an attractive hardback volume.
David Engelsma (224 pp., hardback)
Rich exposition of Old Testament History covering Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.
A Practical Commentary on I Corinthians 1-9
Nathan Langerak (432 pp. Hardback, £20.00)
Corinth was a church with problems. Do you want to know how the apostle Paul addressed these in I Corinthians 1-9? Seeking to grasp the rich biblical truth of love (not politically-correct notions)? Buy and read this book!
A Practical Commentary on I Corinthians 10-16
Nathan Langerak (544 pp. Hardback, £22.00)
A penetrating exposition of I Corinthians 10-16, including baptism, the Lord’s Supper, worship, tongue-speaking, love, prophecy, Christ the first-fruits of the dead, Christian giving, etc.
Joshua Engelsma (240 pp. Hardback)
A stirring biography of a little-known pastor and reformer in the Netherlands
Herman Hanko (165 pp. Softback)
Relates the covenant and infant baptism, because “we” and “our children” both belong to God’s covenant of grace.
Herman Hoeksema (538 pp. Hardback)
The believing reader will find his eyes fixed on the cross, in sorrow for sin and in love for the Saviour who died for him there.
Herman Hanko (192 pp. Hardback)
A book which will give you renewed desire to fellowship with your heavenly Father in prayer.
Abby Van Solkema (89 pp., softback)
A devotional on the Gospel of John for teens (chapters 1-4)