Herman Hoeksema preached often on Revelation, even preaching through the entire book more than once—not to mention the numerous Bible studies he led on it. Behold He Cometh is thus the fruit of several decades of teaching. This essay-style commentary on the book of Revelation is written from the Reformed, amillennial viewpoint. In clear, concise language, the author sets forth rich biblical teaching concerning the end times.
Dr. William Hendriksen (renowned expositor of the Book of Revelation and minister in the Christian Reformed Church): “The treatment of the text is definitely Reformed in character in that it always ascribes all the glory to God and traces his way in history … I warmly recommend the book” (The Banner).
“We highly recommend this volume … Every pastor should own a copy, and it would serve as an excellent text for Seminary, Bible School or Bible class study groups” (The Gospel Witness).
“A new and solid commentary has been added to the list of the Reformed expositions of the last book of the Bible” (Calvinist Contact).
“A refreshing feature … was that the author showed great insight into the Scriptures” (Australian Baptist).
“… anyone who wishes to make a thorough study of Revelation owes it to himself to work through Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh” (Wisconsin Lutheran Journal).
“It is the kind of book I would like to see in every library and in every home. I heartily recommend it” (Westminster Theological Journal).
“It is the best work on Revelation known to this reviewer (bearing in mind the excellent works of Hengstenberg, Durham and Hendriksen, to name no others) … Its lucid, simple style is admirably calculated to demonstrate just how perfectly the message of this final book of the canon accords with everything else in Holy Scripture … Hoeksema’s treatment of the Final Judgment of the ungodly and the blessedness of the New Jerusalem is a joy to read. May this superb work goad us to long, pray and work for the second coming of our Saviour, when the cosmic conflict shall end, when Christ shall yield up the kingdom to His Father, and God shall be all and in all” (Peace and Truth).
Rev. Jerome Julien (United Reformed Churches in North America): “Rev. Hoeksema preached through the Book of Revelation twice in his ministry, once soon after World War I and the second time during World War II, the latter time to very large crowds of hearers. The series of messages in this volume—fifty-three in number—thoroughly expounds the comforting truth in this last book of the Bible … A student of the Book of Revelation can hardly do better than this! … by all means get a copy of it” (The Outlook).
Rev. Charles Roberts: “Rev. Hoeksema’s exposition of Revelation is a priceless tome of pastoral insight and scholarly wisdom. A superb, user friendly, amillennial analysis of one of the most important books in the canon of scripture.” – South Carolina, USA
Joel R. Beeke: “Where should you begin [the study of eschatology]? Read the book of Revelation again. While doing so, consult Herman Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh” (in Joel R. Beeke and Sinclair B. Ferguson [eds.], Reformed Confessions Harmonized [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999], p. 271).
“I have almost finished reading Behold He Cometh, a wonderful and helpful read. Most illuminating and relevant; I had puzzled long about Rev. 17:9-13, Herman Hoeksema has clarified much for me. I find myself in total agreement with him in his methods and interpretation of the prophetic and apocalyptic literature of the Bible in the context of all of Holy Scripture. He is obviously familiar with the interpretative methods of others … and shows up their interpretation for what they are. Since the book was first written, events in the church and the world confirm Hoeksema’s understanding.” – Wolverhampton, England
“Thank you very much for the book by Herman Hoeksema, Behold He Cometh! This is a wonderful and very useful book. Herman Hoeksema is superb in his writings! … Out of all the interpretations of the book of Revelation his is the most comprehensive and beautiful, and also tactful, without direct negative pointing to any particular group or denomination” – Kazakhstan
“I was speaking to a believer on Saturday and during our conversation he mentioned Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh and what a wonderful book he had found it. So today I have had a look on the internet and begun reading it on line. The world is growing worse and worse. It’s so easy to become caught up in things and to begin to get fearful. How good it will be to be given an understanding of our great God and Saviour’s sovereign purpose in all the things He is bringing to pass before He comes back to judge the world in righteousness.” – Berkshire, England
“I’m reading a wonderful book I got from [the CPRC], Behold He Cometh, a commentary on Revelation. This has been a real help, although I only can work about 20 minutes a day on it [because of my serious health problems]. I have found it a real blessing.” – Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
“The commentary on Revelation is easily the best I’ve come across and Herman Hoeksema’s interpretation is so accurate, looking at the events that are developing in the world today.” – Essex, England
Corinth was a church with problems. Do you want to know how the apostle Paul addressed these in I Corinthians 1-9? Seeking to grasp the rich biblical truth of love (not politically-correct notions)? Buy and read this book!
A penetrating exposition of I Corinthians 10-16, including baptism, the Lord’s Supper, worship, tongue-speaking, love, prophecy, Christ the first-fruits of the dead, Christian giving, etc.
Behold He Cometh!
Herman Hoeksema (772 pp. Hardback, Read on-line)
The best, detailed, amillennial interpretation of Revelation, giving hope and comfort to believers.
Herman Hoeksema preached often on Revelation, even preaching through the entire book more than once—not to mention the numerous Bible studies he led on it. Behold He Cometh is thus the fruit of several decades of teaching. This essay-style commentary on the book of Revelation is written from the Reformed, amillennial viewpoint. In clear, concise language, the author sets forth rich biblical teaching concerning the end times.
Dr. William Hendriksen (renowned expositor of the Book of Revelation and minister in the Christian Reformed Church): “The treatment of the text is definitely Reformed in character in that it always ascribes all the glory to God and traces his way in history … I warmly recommend the book” (The Banner).
“We highly recommend this volume … Every pastor should own a copy, and it would serve as an excellent text for Seminary, Bible School or Bible class study groups” (The Gospel Witness).
“A new and solid commentary has been added to the list of the Reformed expositions of the last book of the Bible” (Calvinist Contact).
“A refreshing feature … was that the author showed great insight into the Scriptures” (Australian Baptist).
“… anyone who wishes to make a thorough study of Revelation owes it to himself to work through Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh” (Wisconsin Lutheran Journal).
“It is the kind of book I would like to see in every library and in every home. I heartily recommend it” (Westminster Theological Journal).
“It is the best work on Revelation known to this reviewer (bearing in mind the excellent works of Hengstenberg, Durham and Hendriksen, to name no others) … Its lucid, simple style is admirably calculated to demonstrate just how perfectly the message of this final book of the canon accords with everything else in Holy Scripture … Hoeksema’s treatment of the Final Judgment of the ungodly and the blessedness of the New Jerusalem is a joy to read. May this superb work goad us to long, pray and work for the second coming of our Saviour, when the cosmic conflict shall end, when Christ shall yield up the kingdom to His Father, and God shall be all and in all” (Peace and Truth).
Rev. Jerome Julien (United Reformed Churches in North America): “Rev. Hoeksema preached through the Book of Revelation twice in his ministry, once soon after World War I and the second time during World War II, the latter time to very large crowds of hearers. The series of messages in this volume—fifty-three in number—thoroughly expounds the comforting truth in this last book of the Bible … A student of the Book of Revelation can hardly do better than this! … by all means get a copy of it” (The Outlook).
Rev. Charles Roberts: “Rev. Hoeksema’s exposition of Revelation is a priceless tome of pastoral insight and scholarly wisdom. A superb, user friendly, amillennial analysis of one of the most important books in the canon of scripture.” – South Carolina, USA
Joel R. Beeke: “Where should you begin [the study of eschatology]? Read the book of Revelation again. While doing so, consult Herman Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh” (in Joel R. Beeke and Sinclair B. Ferguson [eds.], Reformed Confessions Harmonized [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999], p. 271).
“I have almost finished reading Behold He Cometh, a wonderful and helpful read. Most illuminating and relevant; I had puzzled long about Rev. 17:9-13, Herman Hoeksema has clarified much for me. I find myself in total agreement with him in his methods and interpretation of the prophetic and apocalyptic literature of the Bible in the context of all of Holy Scripture. He is obviously familiar with the interpretative methods of others … and shows up their interpretation for what they are. Since the book was first written, events in the church and the world confirm Hoeksema’s understanding.” – Wolverhampton, England
“Thank you very much for the book by Herman Hoeksema, Behold He Cometh! This is a wonderful and very useful book. Herman Hoeksema is superb in his writings! … Out of all the interpretations of the book of Revelation his is the most comprehensive and beautiful, and also tactful, without direct negative pointing to any particular group or denomination” – Kazakhstan
“I was speaking to a believer on Saturday and during our conversation he mentioned Hoeksema’s Behold He Cometh and what a wonderful book he had found it. So today I have had a look on the internet and begun reading it on line. The world is growing worse and worse. It’s so easy to become caught up in things and to begin to get fearful. How good it will be to be given an understanding of our great God and Saviour’s sovereign purpose in all the things He is bringing to pass before He comes back to judge the world in righteousness.” – Berkshire, England
“I’m reading a wonderful book I got from [the CPRC], Behold He Cometh, a commentary on Revelation. This has been a real help, although I only can work about 20 minutes a day on it [because of my serious health problems]. I have found it a real blessing.” – Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
“The commentary on Revelation is easily the best I’ve come across and Herman Hoeksema’s interpretation is so accurate, looking at the events that are developing in the world today.” – Essex, England
Click here to read a review of this book by one of our readers!
Click here to read a review of this book in the Standard Bearer.
Click here to read a review of this book in Korean.
Excerpts from the book on “The Binding of Satan” and on Revelation 14:4-5 can be read on-line in Portuguese.
Chapter 7, “The Church With a Mystic Tendency” can be read on-line in Spanish.
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