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For God’s Glory and the Church’s Consolation


400 Years of the Synod of Dordt

Ronald Cammenga, editor (320 pp. Softback, £13.00)

This powerful book defends and promotes the Bible’s teachings on God’s sovereign grace as systematized in the Canons of Dordt (1618-1619) with a special focus on the gospel call, the covenant, reprobation and assurance. It also covers the significance, polemics, sessions and church polity of Dordt.


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Among Reformed Christians, the celebration of the anniversary of the Synod of Dordt (1618–1619) is second only to the commemoration of the Reformation of the sixteenth century. Indeed, marking the anniversary of the “great synod,” as it soon was called, is commemoration of the Reformation. For Dordt’s main accomplishment was the preservation of the gospel of God’s sovereign grace, which was restored to the church through the Reformation.

The Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary held a conference to celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of the Synod of Dordt. For God’s Glory and the Church’s Consolation includes all the presentations made at this conference, plus a bit more. The book explores the heritage that faithful Reformed churches ought to esteem, as that heritage was defended and handed down by the Synod of Dordt.

The chapters included in this book are written by Prof. Douglas Kuiper, Rev. Angus Stewart, Prof. Brian Huizinga, Rev. Mark Shand, Rev. William Langerak, Prof. Ronald Cammenga and Prof. Barrett Gritters. 


Editor’s Preface – Prof. Ronald Cammenga

Chapter 1
The Controversy Regarding Sovereign Grace: The Synod of Dordt and Its Relevance for Today – Prof. Douglas Kuiper

Chapter 2
The Canons as the Original Five Points of Calvinism – Rev. Angus Stewart

Chapter 3
Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons – Prof. Brian Huizinga

Chapter 4
Dordt’s Unfeigned Call of the Gospel – Rev. Mark Shand

Chapter 5
The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons of Dordt – Prof. Douglas Kuiper

Chapter 6
The Polity of Dordt: Om Goede Orde in de Gemeente Christi te Onderhouden (To Maintain Good Order in the Church of Christ) – Rev. William Langerak

Chapter 7
Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election: Dordt’s Doctrine of Reprobation – Prof. Ronald Cammenga

Chapter 8
Assurance: Sovereign Grace’s Speech to the Heart – Prof. Barrett Gritters

Appendix 1
The Sessions of the Synod of Dordt, 1618-1619 – Prof. Douglas Kuiper

Appendix 2
Balthasar Lydius’ Prayer at the Convening of the Synod of Dordt – translated and edited by Prof. Douglas Kuiper and Dr. H. David Schuringa

“I started reading For God’s Glory and the Church’s Consolation. It’s wonderful!” – France

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