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The Church’s Invisibility, Unity and Catholicity


Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XVIII: Articles 27a

9 classes on 9 CDs

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Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XVIII: Articles 27a

9 classes on 9 CDs

The biblical truth about the church is often thought to be less interesting and important than the other areas of God’s revelation. How wrong! Listen to these audios and grow in your understanding of, and love for, Christ’s body. Lots of Scripture is involved in ecclesiology and it is of immense practical significance for every child of God!

(1) Why Is Ecclesiology Under Appreciated? (Ps. 87)
(2) Crucial Ecclesiology and the Invisible Church (Eph. 2:11-22)
(3) The Church Militant (Eph. 6:10-20)
(4) The Unity of the Church Invisible (I Pet. 2:1-12)
(5) The Unity of the Church Visible (Eph. 4:1-16)
(6) The Catholicity of the Church Invisible (Rev. 7:9-17)
(7) The Catholicity of the Church Visible (Eph. 3:1-12)
(8) Catholicity and the Local Church (Acts 16:12-34)
(9) Catholicity: The Local Church and Missions (James 2:1-13)

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