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Trinity and Covenant


David Engelsma   (158 pp. Hardback)

A fresh, bold statement of the threeness of the one, true God and His rich covenant fellowship in Himself … and with us in Christ.

Can believers and their children understand more about God’s covenant fellowship with His people if they have a better understanding of the inner, triune life of God in Himself? Does the life of Jesus Christ revealed in the Holy Scriptures help? What have Augustine, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Leonardo Boff and others offered on this topic? Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family by Professor David Engelsma answers these questions and more.

In the light of the profound insights of Augustine, following the lead of various theologians in the Reformed tradition, and on the basis of God’s Word, this book conceives the life of God in Himself as fundamentally family fellowship. The fellowship of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit determines the nature of God’s works in creating and redeeming humanity. The reader of this book will grow in the understanding of God’s covenant fellowship in Himself and with His people.

“I [just] finished reading Engelsma’s new book Trinity and Covenant, and I must say enthusiastically that it is a wonderful book! Very very beautiful! How true it is what Prof. Engelsma writes there! How much would every Reformed believer benefit from the explanations in that little book!” – Italy

Trinity and Covenant is essential reading and truly worth it’s weight in gold.” – Somerset

“I found Trinity and Covenant very good … I’m really enjoying the [CPRC material] on baptism, the covenant, etc … It is a new dimension.” – W. Midlands

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To read a review of this book in the British Reformed Journal, click here.

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To watch the video of the author interview concerning this book, click here.


Engelsma, David

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