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20 June 2023

(2) Building the Walls Together

Passage: Nehemiah 3
Service Type:

Scripture reading: Nehemiah 3
Maps or diagrams referred to in this speech: 1)… 2)…
Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor, Malaysia (Tuesday morning, 20 June, 2023)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS after Speech 2: Building the Walls Together
1. Nehemiah 3 is the number 1 chapter in the Bible for what two things?
2. What marked Baruch the son of Zabbai as particularly blessed in Nehemiah 3?
3. Which of the features of the “work teams” in Nehemiah 3 did you most appreciate or find most helpful? Why?
4. What are some of the ways believers in our day help to build the church’s defensive walls?
5. What are some of the ways church members in our day dismantle the church’s walls?
6. What role do our ecumenical and Reformed creeds play in the church’s walls?
7. How is a worldly view of “love” used to weaken the church’s walls?
8. What is the meaning of the famous Latin phrase ora et labora?
9. What verse in Nehemiah 1 especially indicates that God’s people were praying regarding the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls long before the work itself began?

“Mutual encouragement is very important. It is a significant factor in getting work done [Neh. 2:18].” (John G. Butler)
10. What encouragement do you give in the work of the church?
11. How have other people encouraged you in the work of the church?
12. What things discourage people in the work of the church?

Hypothetical scenario: A guy who used to be a member of your church announces on Facebook that he now has a boyfriend. Because you belong to Jesus Christ, and so fear God rather than man, you do not put a “Like” beneath his post.
13. What Lord’s Day of our Heidelberg Catechism most speaks to human sexuality?
14. Which of our forms or minor confessions has most to say on this area?
15. List relevant Scriptures that deal with the sin of homosexuality.
16. How are churches’ defensive walls being dismantled and breached regarding this issue?

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