At the height of his powers as an interpreter of the Word of God in the late 1930s, Reformed theologian Herman Hoeksema preached a series of ninety-seven sermons covering the entire book of Romans. The transcription of them by a member of his congregation was recently made available to the RFPA for publication. The outstanding worth of this new work is its fresh, bold, penetrating, and utterly faithful exposition of the book of the Bible that the Reformation rightly regarded as the summa of the gospel of salvation by grace alone. Hoeksema called Romans “one of the richest and most beautiful parts of the Word of God. “In addition to abundant natural abilities, wide-reading, and disciplined theological study over many years, Hoeksema shared the zeal of the apostle Paul for the glory of the triune God in His sovereignty. This emboldened him to proclaim faithfully what Paul said, particularly on predestination. This exposition is addressed not to the scholars, but to the very same audience for whom the apostle wrote the epistle: the “beloved of God, called to be saints.”
“The clarity of language, the simplicity of explanation, the warmth of teaching, the sharpness of application, and the homeliness of illustration make this book truly a devotional commentary on Romans“—David J. Engelsma, editor.
Dr. William Hendriksen: “[Hoeksema’s] preaching was forceful, well organised, thematic exegetical and generally inspiring …”
“In this book the .. reader will be edified, for he is constantly shown his own worthlessness, and the worth of Christ’s perfect righteousness imputed to him; he will be challenged because Hoeksema was a profound and original preacher; and the reader will always be driven back to God and the Scriptures. The present reviewer has used this commentary as a devotional aid in studying Romans, and it is one of the best he has used. Averaging six pages per sermon—[it is suitable] even for the time pressed worker. If you want to know why the likes of Prof. Cornelius Van Til would make his way to hear Hoeksema preach, then you should get this book … I cannot recommend it highly enough” (English Churchman).
“Handling the deepest doctrines with a sure and sanctified hand, afraid of no difficulties, Hoeksema had also the common touch in making his exposition easy, lucid, and very readable indeed … Christians ‘in the pew’ will find themselves frequently turning to it to refresh their soul, be challenged, and find encouragement. Like all the publications of the RFPA this book is excellently produced, and good value for money. Those who invest in a copy will, I believe, come to treasure it as a choice blessing from the Lord” (British Church Newspaper).
“In the opinion of this reviewer, Herman Hoeksema, a contemporary of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, was the best expositor of the twentieth century … His grasp of Paul’s inspired thinking is as though he had been a personal friend of the Apostle … The essence of Scripture is what Hoeksema is all about … He demonstrates the irrefutable substance of Paul’s reasoning. he does so with warmth, challenging his hearers, with profound depth yet in language we all understand. There is nothing dryly theological in this exposition. The messages are from a heart to hearts. It is stirring reading because it follows the author closely—alive with Scriptural application … the personal benefits from this exposition are a fine gold. Procure it!” (New Focus).
“The material in this book constitutes the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across for a long time … This book is thoroughly recommended. I have read it every day at the close of my own devotions for the past eight months, with great benefit and thankfulness to God” (Evangelical Times).
“Yesterday, I received the superb Righteous By Faith Alone, and have already been blessed by the first two sermons. Could you please convey my thanks to the dear young people of the PR churches who have subsidised the sale of it here.”
“Thank you for apprising me of the availability of the long awaited volume [Righteous By Faith Alone]. Within minutes of the arrival of your email I placed an order …”
“For the last 4 months, we have been studying the epistle to the Romans in our youth Bible classes. The commentary of Hoeksema proved to be very helpful material. It’s crystal clear, sound, deep and wonderful. Thank you for this book!” – Hungary
“Just letting you know that I find Herman Hoeksema on Romans excellent. Highly recommended, very edifying! Every blessing.”
“At last! A book I have been waiting for. Please mail me a copy of the latest offering from Herman Hoeksema. I am grateful to Rev. Stewart for letting me know. Am enjoying his CR News.”
“Hoeksema on Romans continues to be a real blessing to me.” – Wales
“Please send me one Righteous By Faith Alone, and bill me for it. [A friend] couldn’t commend it more highly.”
“I e-mailed [a friend] and told him to do anything, even if it meant trading in the wife, and get Hoeksema on Romans. He told me he had ordered it.”
“Purchased Righteous By Faith Alone from you earlier in the month and managed to read the first 153 pages thereof over the past few days. Very profitable indeed (!) and I look forward to the remaining pages. I remember hearing it said that ‘we read to know that we are not alone.’ A book such as the aforementioned (the first 153 pages at least) would illustrate this point well in my own experience and circumstance.”
“You know how that the faces of small boys are apt to glow when they receive something they really want. Well, something akin to this influences me now as I hold in my hand this beautifully ‘packaged’ volume of sermons, Righteousness by Faith Alone, by ‘Harm’ Hoeksema. I anticipate being seriously incommunicado, tucked up with this volume by the fireside. I dipped into it and read the first paragraph of chapter 1—oh yes, vintage Hoeksema, the same clarity, force of truth, depth of understanding, expressed in plain language which has endeared me to all his material. He was a giant of a man spiritually.”
“I’m reading Romans at present with the help of the wonderful Righteous by Faith Alone. I’m being convicted and illuminated greatly by it” – Yorkshire
Righteous By Faith Alone
Herman Hoeksema (702 pp. Hardback)
Ninety-seven fresh, bold, penetrating and faithful expositions from the book of Romans.
4 in stock
At the height of his powers as an interpreter of the Word of God in the late 1930s, Reformed theologian Herman Hoeksema preached a series of ninety-seven sermons covering the entire book of Romans. The transcription of them by a member of his congregation was recently made available to the RFPA for publication. The outstanding worth of this new work is its fresh, bold, penetrating, and utterly faithful exposition of the book of the Bible that the Reformation rightly regarded as the summa of the gospel of salvation by grace alone. Hoeksema called Romans “one of the richest and most beautiful parts of the Word of God. “In addition to abundant natural abilities, wide-reading, and disciplined theological study over many years, Hoeksema shared the zeal of the apostle Paul for the glory of the triune God in His sovereignty. This emboldened him to proclaim faithfully what Paul said, particularly on predestination. This exposition is addressed not to the scholars, but to the very same audience for whom the apostle wrote the epistle: the “beloved of God, called to be saints.”
“The clarity of language, the simplicity of explanation, the warmth of teaching, the sharpness of application, and the homeliness of illustration make this book truly a devotional commentary on Romans“—David J. Engelsma, editor.
Click here to read a review of this book from the British Reformed Journal.
A chapter of this book can be read in Chinese.
Read chapter 61 of this book in Hungarian.
Chapters of this book can be read in Italian.
Read chapter 3 and chapter 10 of this book in Polish.
Read chapter 21 and chapter 59 of this book in Portuguese.
Click here to read a review of this book in Korean.
Dr. William Hendriksen: “[Hoeksema’s] preaching was forceful, well organised, thematic exegetical and generally inspiring …”
“In this book the .. reader will be edified, for he is constantly shown his own worthlessness, and the worth of Christ’s perfect righteousness imputed to him; he will be challenged because Hoeksema was a profound and original preacher; and the reader will always be driven back to God and the Scriptures. The present reviewer has used this commentary as a devotional aid in studying Romans, and it is one of the best he has used. Averaging six pages per sermon—[it is suitable] even for the time pressed worker. If you want to know why the likes of Prof. Cornelius Van Til would make his way to hear Hoeksema preach, then you should get this book … I cannot recommend it highly enough” (English Churchman).
“Handling the deepest doctrines with a sure and sanctified hand, afraid of no difficulties, Hoeksema had also the common touch in making his exposition easy, lucid, and very readable indeed … Christians ‘in the pew’ will find themselves frequently turning to it to refresh their soul, be challenged, and find encouragement. Like all the publications of the RFPA this book is excellently produced, and good value for money. Those who invest in a copy will, I believe, come to treasure it as a choice blessing from the Lord” (British Church Newspaper).
“In the opinion of this reviewer, Herman Hoeksema, a contemporary of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, was the best expositor of the twentieth century … His grasp of Paul’s inspired thinking is as though he had been a personal friend of the Apostle … The essence of Scripture is what Hoeksema is all about … He demonstrates the irrefutable substance of Paul’s reasoning. he does so with warmth, challenging his hearers, with profound depth yet in language we all understand. There is nothing dryly theological in this exposition. The messages are from a heart to hearts. It is stirring reading because it follows the author closely—alive with Scriptural application … the personal benefits from this exposition are a fine gold. Procure it!” (New Focus).
“The material in this book constitutes the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across for a long time … This book is thoroughly recommended. I have read it every day at the close of my own devotions for the past eight months, with great benefit and thankfulness to God” (Evangelical Times).
“Yesterday, I received the superb Righteous By Faith Alone, and have already been blessed by the first two sermons. Could you please convey my thanks to the dear young people of the PR churches who have subsidised the sale of it here.”
“Thank you for apprising me of the availability of the long awaited volume [Righteous By Faith Alone]. Within minutes of the arrival of your email I placed an order …”
“For the last 4 months, we have been studying the epistle to the Romans in our youth Bible classes. The commentary of Hoeksema proved to be very helpful material. It’s crystal clear, sound, deep and wonderful. Thank you for this book!” – Hungary
“Just letting you know that I find Herman Hoeksema on Romans excellent. Highly recommended, very edifying! Every blessing.”
“At last! A book I have been waiting for. Please mail me a copy of the latest offering from Herman Hoeksema. I am grateful to Rev. Stewart for letting me know. Am enjoying his CR News.”
“Hoeksema on Romans continues to be a real blessing to me.” – Wales
“Please send me one Righteous By Faith Alone, and bill me for it. [A friend] couldn’t commend it more highly.”
“I e-mailed [a friend] and told him to do anything, even if it meant trading in the wife, and get Hoeksema on Romans. He told me he had ordered it.”
“Purchased Righteous By Faith Alone from you earlier in the month and managed to read the first 153 pages thereof over the past few days. Very profitable indeed (!) and I look forward to the remaining pages. I remember hearing it said that ‘we read to know that we are not alone.’ A book such as the aforementioned (the first 153 pages at least) would illustrate this point well in my own experience and circumstance.”
“You know how that the faces of small boys are apt to glow when they receive something they really want. Well, something akin to this influences me now as I hold in my hand this beautifully ‘packaged’ volume of sermons, Righteousness by Faith Alone, by ‘Harm’ Hoeksema. I anticipate being seriously incommunicado, tucked up with this volume by the fireside. I dipped into it and read the first paragraph of chapter 1—oh yes, vintage Hoeksema, the same clarity, force of truth, depth of understanding, expressed in plain language which has endeared me to all his material. He was a giant of a man spiritually.”
“I’m reading Romans at present with the help of the wonderful Righteous by Faith Alone. I’m being convicted and illuminated greatly by it” – Yorkshire
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