- The Supreme Authority of Scripture (Sola Scriptura)
- The Inerrancy of Scripture
- The Preservation of Scripture
- The Internal Witness of the Holy Spirit to the Word
- Scripture Twisting
- No New Revelation (John Calvin) (Portuguese)
Bible Reading Programmes
- Chronological Yearly Bible Reading Programme
- Yearly Bible Reading Programme – Daily Readings from OT, NT & Psalms
- 2022 Bible Reading Programme – Weekday Readings from OT & NT, Weekend Readings from Psalms & Proverbs
Sovereign Grace
- Romans 9
- Predestination Must Be Preached
- For Whom Did Christ Die? (John Owen and Others) (Afrikaans) (Cebuano) (Kirundi)
- Some Few Testimonies of the Ancients (on Christ’s Particular Atonement, compiled by John Owen)
- Against Free Will (Polish)
- Union with Christ
- Faith as a Bond (Polish)
- Regeneration
- Good Statements by the Church Fathers on Sin and Grace (Polish) (Russian)
Image of God
- The Reformed Confessions on the Image of God in Man
- Theologians on the Image of God in Man (Hungarian)
- 20 Scripture Texts on God’s Hatred of the Reprobate (Hungarian)
- God’s Hatred of the Reprobate
- Scripture Texts on God’s Hardening of the Reprobate (Hungarian)
- Scripture Texts on the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart
God’s Effectual Saving Desire
- Quotes on Ezekiel 18:23. 32 and 33:11
- Quotes on Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34
- Quotes on Mark 10:21 (The Rich Young Ruler)
- Quotes on I Timothy 2:4
- Quotes on II Peter 3:9
- The Free Offer: Calvin Vs. Pighius (and John Murray)
- John Knox on the Four Main Texts Cited in Support of a Failed Desire of God to Save Everybody
- Pierre du Moulin (1568-1658) Against a Universal Divine Saving Desire
- John Gerstner Against the Well-Meant Offer
- Other Quotes Against the Well-Meant Offer
Uncommon Grace
- Martin Luther on Assurance (Polish)
- John Calvin’s Confessional Documents on Assurance
- John Calvin’s Other Writings on Assurance
- Smaller Catechism (Zacharias Ursinus) on Assurance
- Larger Catechism (Zacharias Ursinus) on Assurance
- Heidelberg Catechism on Assurance
- Caspar Olevianus on Assurance
- Canons of Dordt on Assurance (Spanish)
- Other Confessional Documents on Assurance
- Other Theologians on Assurance (Hungarian)
- The Organic Idea of the Church (John Calvin) (Portuguese)
- The Church as God’s Remnant (John Calvin)
- The Communion of the Saints
- The Duties and Sins of Church Members by John Flavel (English Puritan, 1628-1691)
- Elders, Apt to Teach
- Christ Speaking through Preaching
- Bored at True Preaching?
- Against Lay Preaching (Hungarian)
- The Duty of Pastors (John Owen)
Covenant and Baptism
- God’s Unconditional Covenant
- Covenant Children and Infant Baptism (Italian)
- Baptism Does Not Mean Immersion
- Of Dipping (John Owen) (Hungarian)
- Was Circumcision Obligatory in the Apostolic Times? (Hungarian)
Lord’s Supper
- 8 Charges Against the Mass (John Calvin) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Portuguese)
- The Supervision of the Lord’s Table (Portuguese)
Psalm Singing
- Psalm Singing (Basil the Great [c. 329-379]) (Hungarian)
- Martin Luther’s Prefaces to the Psalter (Hungarian)
- Singing Psalms in Church (John Calvin) (Hungarian) (Portuguese) (Spanish)
- Preface to the Bay Psalm Book (1640)
- The Westminster Assembly and Psalm-singing (Portuguese)
- A Puritan Preface to the Scottish Metrical Psalter
- The Scottish Metrical Version, a Faithful Psalter
- The Historical Use of the Psalms
- The Glory and Sufficiency of the Psalms (Portuguese)
- The Ends, Command and “Notion” of Singing Psalms (James Durham)
- Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16)
- What About “Hymns”?
- Henry Cooke on Uninspired Hymns (Hungarian)
- Remarriage When One’s Spouse is Living (Augustine) (Hungarian) (Spanish)
- Homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27 (Albert Barnes)
Various False Doctrines
- Heresy of Mary as Co-Redemptress (Roman Catholic Church)
- Anabaptism Today!
- The Impossibility of the Salvation of Unevangelized Heathen Through General Revelation
- Nazi Perversion of Christianity: Making (Nazi) History a Source of God’s (Gracious) Revelation
- John Wesley on John Wesley (Spanish)
Hosea (Scripture Passages)
- References to Children in Hosea 4-14
- Agricultural Imagery in Hosea
- References to Egypt in Hosea
- Israel’s Knowledge of God in Hosea
Christ’s Controversies (Scripture Passages)
- Christ’s Sabbath Controversies
- Christ’s Controversies on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
- Christ’s Controversies Over Roman Taxes
- Christ’s Temple Cleansing Controversies
The Bloody Sacrifices in Leviticus 1-7 (Tables)
- The 6 Stages in Offering the 4 Bloody Sacrifices in Leviticus 1-7
- Lessons Regarding Sin, Christ and Our Calling From the 4 Bloody Sacrifices in Leviticus 1-7
- Brief Form of a Confession of Faith (John Calvin) (Italian)
- Guido De Brès’ Letter to Philip II of Spain Appended to the Belgic Confession
- The Lord’s Day (The Synod of Dordt) (Portuguese)
- Reformed Confessions on the Ceremonial Law, Etc.
- The Roman Catholic and Tridentine Doctrine of Preparation for Justification