(1) Audio Resources
Sixteenth-Century Reformation
- Lessons from the Reformation for Today (II Timothy 3:1-4:8)
- The Reformation’s Teaching on the Church (I Timothy 3:12-4:6)
- The Reformation’s Emphasis on Piety (Isaiah 1) – Prof. Herman Hanko
- Music’s Indispensable Place in (the) Reformation (Colossians 3:16) – Prof. Barry Gritters
Specific Reformers
- Martin Luther and the Bondage of the Will
- Martin Luther and God’s Saving Righteousness (Rom. 4:1-13)
- Martin Luther: Theologian of the Glory of God (Rom. 3:19-31) – Prof. Engelsma
- Martin and Katie Luther: The Reformation of Marriage
- John Calvin’s Battle for the Reformation (I) – His Influence and Early Life
- John Calvin’s Battle for the Reformation (II) – The Geneva Years
- Calvin on Justification: Considering the Judgment Day With Singular Delight
- Calvin Versus Darwin: Anniversaries, Origins and Worldviews
- Calvin Versus Pighius
Reformed Creeds
- The Synod of Dordt (Ephesians 1)
- A Plea for Creeds (I Timothy 3:15-16)
- The Reformation in Ophrah (Judges 6:25-32)
- The Believer’s Responsibility for the Preaching (Colossians 4:17)
(2) Written Resources
Specific Reformers
- The Church in Wycliffe’s Day
- Luther’s The Bondage of the Will Versus Erasmus’ On the Freedom of the Will
- Heinrich Bullinger, the First Covenant Theologian
John Calvin
- Calvin’s Institutes: A Comparison Between the 1536 and 1559 Editions
- Calvin Versus Sadolet
- John Calvin’s Integrated Covenant Theology (1): The Unity of the Covenant
- John Calvin’s Integrated Covenant Theology (2): The Nature of the Covenant
- John Calvin’s Integrated Covenant Theology (3): The Blessings of the Covenant
Reformed Creeds
Reformed Faith
- What Is the Reformed Faith? (Albanian) (Cebuano) (Czech) (German) (Greek) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish)
- What It Means to Be Reformed (German) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Russian)
- A Defense of Calvinism as the Gospel (French) (Italian) (Russian) (Tagalog)
- Calvinism … the Truth (Arminianism, the Lie) (Italian)
- TULIP: The Five Points of Calvinism (Chinese) (Italian) (Spanish) (Tagalog) (Ukrainian)
Reformed Worship
- The Reformation, a Return to the Primacy of Preaching (Italian)
- Heidelberg Catechism Preaching, our Reformed Heritage
- Public Worship and the Reformed Faith
Reformed Psalm-Singing
- John Calvin on the Wonder of the Psalms (Portuguese)
- Singing Psalms in Church (John Calvin)
- The Rage for the Psalter in France
- The Westminster Assembly and Psalm Singing
- A Puritan Preface to the Scottish Metrical Psalter
- Psalm Singing, a Reformed Heritage
Church Reformation
- The Reformation and Twentieth Century Protestantism (Portuguese)
- The Church Today and the Reformation Church, a Comparison (Italian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Swedish)
- Faith of Our Fathers Living Still (Croatian) (Polish)
- A.D. 2000: Year of Jubilee by Papal Indulgence or Reformation Gospel?
- The Coming of Elijah
Reformation or Revival?
- Ought the Church to Pray for Revival?
- Reformation or Revival: What Does the Church Need? (Hungarian)(Portuguese) (Spanish)
- The “Great Awakening” – Was It?
- The Revival of 1859 – a critique of the 1859 Revival in Ulster in the light of Scripture and the Westminster Standards (William Hamilton)
(3) Books
Reformation History
- Portraits of Faithful Saints – Herman Hanko
- The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church – ed. David Engelsma
- Always Reforming – ed. David Engelsma
Reformed Creeds
- The Confessions and Church Order of the PRC – Reformed Fathers
- The Triple Knowledge – Herman Hoeksema
- The Voice of Our Fathers – Homer C. Hoeksema
- Calvin’s Calvinism – John Calvin
- Absolute Predestination – Jerome Zanchius
- Saved by Grace – Ron Hanko and Ron Cammenga
- The Five Points of Calvinism – David Engelsma and Herman Hanko
- Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel – David Engelsma
- Modern Moderate Calvinism – A. I. Morgan
(4) Related Resource Pages
- Calvin Resources
- Calvinism Resources
- Covenant and Baptism Resources
- Church Office and Feminism Resources
- Psalm-Singing Resources
(5) Off-Site Resources
Special Reformation issues of the Standard Bearer
- Rome’s Present Dangers (2008; vol. 85, issue 2)
- The Secession of 1834 (2007; vol. 84, issue 2)
- The Reformation in the Netherlands (2006; vol. 83, issue 2)
- John Wycliffe (2005; vol. 82, issue 2)
- The Reformation’s Doctrine of Man (2004; vol. 81, issue 2)
- John Calvin (2003; vol. 80, issue 2)
- The Reformation and the Holy Life (2002; vol. 79, issue 2)
- Martin Luther (2001; vol. 78, issue 2)
- John Knox (2000; vol. 77, issue 2)
- The Reformation and the Last Things (1999; vol. 76, issue 2)
- Abraham Kuyper and the Reformation of 1886 (1998; vol. 75, issue 2)
- The Synod of Dordt (1997; vol. 74, issue 2)
- 1953: Continuing Reformation (1996; vol. 73, issue 2)
- The Reformation of 1924 (1995; vol. 72, issue 2)
- The Reformation and Worship (1994; vol. 71, issue 2)
- The Reformation and Scripture (1993; vol. 70, issue 2)
- The Reformation and Freedom (1992; vol. 69, issue 2)
- The Anabaptist Controversy (1991; vol. 68, issue 2)
- The Reformed Conflict with Rome (1990; vol. 67, issue 2)
Reformed Creeds
- Belgic Confession (1561)
- Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
- Canons of Dordt (1618-1619)