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Resources on Calvin

(1) Audio-Visual Resources

Watch a video clip in Portuguese of lectures given in Portugal on “Calvin’s Battle for the Reformation.”

(2) Written Resources

Calvin Articles

Calvin Pamphlet

Calvin Quotes


Calvin Book Reviews

(3) Books

Sermons by Calvin

Other Books by Calvin

Calvin’s Theology


Church History


(4) Related Resource Pages


(5) Creeds Influenced by Calvin

  • Geneva Catechism (1545) – written by Calvin
  • French Confession (1559) – an expansion of a draft by Calvin, which he based on the Confession of Paris (1557)
  • Belgic Confession (1561) – written by Guido de Brès and “willingly approve[d]” by Calvin
  • Heidelberg Catechism (1563) – written by Calvin’s disciples, Zacharias Ursinus and Caspar Olevianus


(6) Protestant Reformed Theological Journal Articles on Calvin


(7) Other Off-Site Resources


(8) Videos of the PRC Calvin Conference (3-5 September, 2009)

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