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Doctrine According to Godliness by Rev. Ron Hanko


Catechism for Children


Sunday Digests

  • Digest 1
    Gordon Clark, “An Introduction to the Bible”
  • Digest 2
    Bernard Woudenberg, “The Covenant of Friendship;” “Rock Music: For Christians or Not!”
  • Digest 3
    Bernard Woudenberg, “The Beginning of Friendship”
  • Digest 4
    Bernard Woudenberg, “God’s Counsel of Friendship;” Herman Hanko, “Gluttony” (Covenant Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 4); Martyn McGeown, “Does the Bible Teach a Blessed Future for Israel?”
  • Digest 5
    Bernard Woudenberg, “Predestined Unto Friendship;” “The Church, Israel and ‘Replacement’ Theology (1)”
  • Digest 6
    “The Creator Friend;” “The Church, Israel and ‘Replacement’ Theology (2)”
  • Digest 7
    “The Breaking of Friendship;” “Infant Baptism in Early Church History;” Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Incomprehensibility” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 8
    “Friendship Restored;” Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Incomprehensibility” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 9
    “Friendship Experienced;” Herman Hoeksema, “Modern Rationalism and the Unknowability of God” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 10
    “The Place of Friendship”
  • Digest 11
    “Friendship Made Perfect;” James Laning, “The Kingdom is at Hand: A Fact, Not a Conditional Offer”
  • Digest 12
    David Engelsma, “The Covenant We Are Called to Keep (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 13
    David Engelsma, “The Covenant We Are Called to Keep (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 14
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant in the Church (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 15
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant in the Church (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 16
    David Engelsma, “Keeping God’s Covenant in Marriage (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 17 (26 December, 2009)
    David Engelsma, “Keeping God’s Covenant in Marriage (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 18 (17 January, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant in the Home (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 19 (24 January, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant in the Home (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 20 (7 February, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant in the Home (3)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 21 (21 February, 2010)
    David Engelsma, “Keeping God’s Covenant and the Exercise of Discipline (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 22 (28 February, 2010)
    David Engelsma, “Keeping God’s Covenant and the Exercise of Discipline (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 23 (7 March, 2010)
    David Engelsma, “Keeping God’s Covenant and the Exercise of Discipline (3)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 24 (14 March, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant and the Antithetical Life (1)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 25 (28 March, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Keeping God’s Covenant and the Antithetical Life (2)” (from Keeping God’s Covenant)
  • Digest 26 (4 April, 2010)
    Robert Harbach, “Calvinism the Truth … Arminianism the Lie (1)”
  • Digest 27 (18 April, 2010)
    Robert Harbach, “Calvinism the Truth … Arminianism the Lie (2)”
  • Digest 28 (2 May, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Counsel and Man’s Responsibility;” Jason Kortering, “Our Life After Death”
  • Digest 29 (9 May, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Handwriting in Nature”
  • Digest 30 (23 May, 2010)
    Gise Van Baren, “The Holy Spirit: His Presence, Power and Fruits;” “The Reformed Faith”
  • Digest 31 (30 May, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “The Love of God (1)”
  • Digest 32 (6 June, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “The Love of God (2)”
  • Digest 33 (13 June, 2010)
    William Langerak, “Hell;” Herman Hoeksema, “Foreknown in Love”
  • Digest 34 (27 June, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “Sovereign Love”
  • Digest 35 (4 July, 2010)
    Herman Hoeksema, “Living From Principle”
  • Digest 36 (11 July, 2010)
    David J. Engelsma, “The ‘World’ of John 3:16 Does Not Mean ‘All Men Without Exception;'” Ron Hanko, “Revelation”
  • Digest 37 (18 July, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “General Revelation;” “The Word of God;” “Scripture”
  • Digest 38 (25 July, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Sufficiency of Scripture;” “The Inspiration of Scripture;” “Plenary Inspiration”
  • Digest 39 (1 August, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Verbal Inspiration of Scripture;” “The Organic Inspiration of Scripture;” “The Infallibility of Scripture”
  • Digest 40 (8 August, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Authority of Scripture;” “The Interpretation of Scripture;” “The Unity of Scripture”
  • Digest 41 (15 August, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Perspicuity of Scripture;” “Bible Versions;” “Knowing God”
  • Digest 42 (22 August, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Names;” “The Name Jehovah;” “The Name God”
  • Digest 43 (5 September, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Name Lord of Hosts;” “The Name Father;” “The Sovereignty of God”
  • Digest 44 (12 September, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “Human Responsibility;” “God’s Attributes;” “God’s Holiness”
  • Digest 45 (19 September, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Oneness;” “God’s Spirituality;” “God’s Immutability”
  • Digest 46 (26 September, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Self-Sufficiency;” “God’s Omnipresence;” “God’s Love”
  • Digest 47 (3 October, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Grace;” “Grace and Salvation;” “God’s Mercy”
  • Digest 48 (10 October, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Righteousness;” “God’s Wisdom;” “God’s Transcendence”
  • Digest 49 (17 October, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Simplicity or Perfection;” “The Trinity;” “The Importance of the Trinity”
  • Digest 50 (24 October, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “The Trinity and the Family;” “Covenant;” “The Everlasting Covenant”
  • Digest 51 (31 October, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “One Covenant;” “The Covenant of Grace;” “The Covenant Promise”
  • Digest 52 (7 November, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “Predestination;” “Unconditional Election;” “Reprobation”
  • Digest 53 (14 November, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Decrees;” “God’s All-Comprehensive Decrees;” “God’s Efficacious Decrees”
  • Digest 54 (21 November, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Unconditional Decrees;” “God’s Wise Decrees;” “The Will of God”
  • Digest 55 (28 November, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “God’s Will of Command and Will of Decree;” “Angels;” “Devils;” “Creation in Six Days”
  • Digest 56 (5 December, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “Evolutionism;” “Theistic Evolutionism;” “The Day-Age Theory;” “God’s Providence”
  • Digest 57 (12 December, 2010)
    Ron Hanko, “Preservation and Providence;” “Government and Providence;” “God’s All-Encompassing Providence;” “Providence and ‘Common Grace'”
  • Digest 58 (19 December, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Differing Reactions to the Preaching (1);” Ron Hanko, “Providence and Restraint of Sin;” “The Creation of Man”
  • Digest 59 (26 December, 2010)
    Herman Hanko, “Differing Reactions to the Preaching (2);” Ron Hanko, “Man in the Image of God;” “Adam’s Relationship to the Human Race;” “Merit”
  • Digest 60 (2 January, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Paradise the First;” “Two Trees;” “The Devil’s Lie;” Herman Hanko, “The Antithesis in the Church (1)”
  • Digest 61 (9 January, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil;” “The Tree of Life;” “The Fall of Man;” Herman Hanko, “The Antithesis in the Church (2)”
  • Digest 62 (16 January, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Sin and Its Consequences;” “Original Sin;” “Total Depravity;” Herman Hanko, “The Growth of the Kingdom (1)”
  • Digest 63 (23 January, 2011)
    Herman Hanko, “The Growth of the Kingdom (2)”
  • Digest 64 (30 January, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Man’s So-Called Free Will;” “The Names of Our Savior;” “The Name Jesus;” Herman Hanko, “The Worth of the Kingdom (1)”
  • Digest 65 (6 February, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Name Christ;” “The Name Lord;” “The Name Only Begotten Son of God;” Herman Hanko, “The Worth of the Kingdom (2)”
  • Digest 66 (13 February, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Name son of Man;” “The Name Immanuel;” “A Name Above Every Name;” Herman Hanko, “The Gathering of the Kingdom (1)”
  • Digest 67 (20 February, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Real Human Nature;” “Christ’s Complete Human Nature;” Herman Hanko, “The Gathering of the Kingdom (2)”
  • Digest 68 (27 February, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Sinless Human Nature;” “Christ’s Weakened Human Nature;” “The Temptations of Christ;” Herman Hanko, “The Evidence of Forgiveness (1)”
  • Digest 69 (6 March, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Central Human Nature;” “The Eternal Generation of Christ;” “The Virgin Birth of Christ;” Herman Hanko, “The Evidence of Forgiveness (2)”
  • Digest 70 (13 March, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Union of Christ’s Two Natures;” “The Inseparable Union of Christ’s Two Natures;” “The Personal Union of Christ’s Two Natures;” Herman Hanko, “Loving as Neighbor (1)”
  • Digest 71 (20 March, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Distinction Between Christ’s Two Natures;” “God’s Covenant in Christ;” “Three Offices of Christ;” Herman Hanko, “Loving as Neighbor (2)”
  • Digest 72 (27 March, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ, Our Chief Prophet;” Herman Hanko, “The Certainty of Prayer’s Answer”
  • Digest 73 (3 April, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ, Our Only High Priest;” “Christ, our Eternal King;” Herman Hanko, “In What Life Consists”
  • Digest 74 (10 April, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The States of Christ: Humiliation and Exaltation;” Herman Hanko, “Love and Forgiveness”
  • Digest 75 (24 April, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Lowly Birth;” Herman Hanko, “The Sovereign Purpose of God’s Forbearance”
  • Digest 76 (1 May, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Life of Suffering;” “Christ’s Death on the Cross;” Herman Hanko, “The Exaltation of the Humble”
  • Digest 77 (8 May, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Limited Atonement;” Herman Hanko, “That My House May Be Filled”
  • Digest 78 (15 May, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Descent Into Hell;” “Christ’s Burial;” “Christ’s Resurrection;” “Christ’s Ascension Into Heaven;” Christ Seated at God’s Right Hand;” “Christ’s Second Coming”
  • Digest 79 (22 May, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Nature of the Covenant;” “The Covenant With Adam” “The Covenant With Noah”
  • Digest 80 (29 May, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Covenant With Abraham;” “The Covenant and the Land Promise” “The Covenant With Israel”
  • Digest 81 (5 June, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “One People of God;” “The Law and the Covenant” “The Law’s Function in the Covenant”
  • Digest 82 (12 June, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Covenant With David;” “The New Covenant;” “The Old and New Covenant Compared”
  • Digest 83 (24 July, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Consummation of the Covenant;” “The Covenants Summarized;” “The Order of Salvation”
  • Digest 84 (31 July, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Irresistible Grace;” “Regeneration”
  • Digest 85 (7 August, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Calling;” “Calling and Preaching;” “Calling, Not Offer”
  • Digest 86 (14 August, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “The Essence of Faith;” “Faith and Knowledge;” “Faith and Trust”
  • Digest 87 (28 August, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Justification;” “Justification by Faith;” “Justification and Election”
  • Digest 88 (4 September, 2011)
    Ron Hanko, “Justification and Atonement;” “Adoption;” “Peace”
  • Digest 89 (8 January, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Conversion;” “Sanctification;” “Holiness”
  • Digest 90 (15 January, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Antithesis;” “Preservation;” “The Perseverance of the Saints”
  • Digest 91 (22 January, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Saints;” “Glorification;” “The Church”
  • Digest 92 (29 January, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Congregation and Body;” “The Names of the Church;” “Other Names for the Church”
  • Digest 93 (5 February, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Church and Israel;” “The Church and the Kingdom;” “The Church Militant”
  • Digest 94 (12 February, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Church Triumphant;” “The Church Unborn;” “The Election of the Church”
  • Digest 95 (19 February, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Holiness of the Church;” “The Catholicity of the Church;” “The Apostolic Church”
  • Digest 96 (26 February, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Unity of the Church;” “The Church in the Old and New Testaments;” “The Offices in the Church”
  • Digest 97 (4 March, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Office of Elder;” “The Office of Deacon;” “The Office of Pastor and Teacher”
  • Digest 98 (11 March, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Church Government;” “The True Church;” “The Marks of the True Church”
  • Digest 99 (18 March, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Gospel;” “Preaching;” “Christ in the Preaching”
  • Digest 100 (25 March, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Necessity of Christian Discipline;” “The Way of Christian Discipline;” “The Sacraments”
  • Digest 101 (1 April, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Two Sacraments;” “The Symbolism of Baptism;” “The Sign and Reality of Baptism”
  • Digest 102 (8 April, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Meaning of Baptism;” “The Mode of Baptism;” “The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch and of Jesus”
  • Digest 103 (15 April, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Infant Baptism in the New Testament;” “Family Baptism;” “Baptism and Entrance Into the Kingdom”
  • Digest 104 (22 April, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Baptism and Circumcision;” “Unbelievers and the Covenant;” “Faith and Baptism”
  • Digest 105 (29 April, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Repentance and Baptism;” “Discipling and Baptizing the Nations;” “The Lord’s Supper”
  • Digest 106 (6 May, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper;” “Bread and Wine in the Lord’s Supper;” “Self-Examination and the Lord’s Supper”
  • Digest 107 (13 May, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Last Days;” “Different Comings of Christ”
  • Digest 108 (20 May, 2012)
  • Digest 109 (27 May, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Christ’s Return;” “One Final Coming of Christ;” “The Signs of Christ’s Coming”
  • Digest 110 (3 June, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Rapture;” “Jesus’ Sudden and Unexpected Coming”
  • Digest 111 (10 June, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Jesus’ Quick Coming;” “The Wonder of Christ’s Coming;” “The Millennium”
  • Digest 112 (17 June, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Premillennialism and Dispensationalism Compared;” “Premillennialism’s Errors;” “Dispensationalism’s Errors”
  • Digest 113 (24 June, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Further Erros of Dispensationalism;” “Postmillennialism;” “Postmillennialism’s Errors”
  • Digest 114 (1 July, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Amillennialism;” “Literalism and Revelation 20”
  • Digest 115 (8 July, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “One Resurrection;” “Death”
  • Digest 116 (15 July, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Necessity of Our Resurrection;” “The Resurrection Body”
  • Digest 117 (22 July, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Wonder of the Resurrection;” “The Immortality of the Soul”
  • Digest 118 (29 July, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Intermediate State;” “The Great Tribulation;” “The Antichrist”
  • Digest 119 (5 August, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “The Judgment;” “Only One Final Judgment;” “The Purpose of the Judgment”
  • Digest 120 (12 August, 2012)
    Ron Hanko, “Hell;” “Eternal Punishment;” “Heaven;” “The New Heavens and the New Earth;” “Heavenly Glory”
  • Digest 121 (19 August, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Polycarp: Martyr of Christ” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “Light for the Future” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “God: Incomprehensible, Yet Knowable” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 122 (26 August, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Justin Martyr: Convert from Heathendom” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “The Blessed Knowledge of the Path of Life” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “The Doctrine of God’s Incomprehensibility” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 123 (2 September, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Tertullian: Theologian of the Trinity” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “A Cry for Help” (from O Taste and See)
  • Digest 124 (9 September, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Anthony: Ascetic Among Ascetic” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “Secret Errors” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “Proposed Proofs for the Existence of God” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 125 (16 September, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Athanasius Against the World” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “Anguish in Darkness” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “The Impossibility of Defining God,” “The Method of Philosophy” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 126 (23 September, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Chrysostom: Golden-Tongued Preacher” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “The Suffering Worshiper” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “The Subjective Method of Abraham Kuyper,” “Kuyper’s Error,” “Deism and Pantheism,” “God’s Immanence” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 127 (30 September, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Augustine: Theologian of Sovereign Grace” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “Judas, the Praise of Jehovah” (from O Taste and See); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Transcendence” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 128 (7 October, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Patrick: Missionary to Ireland” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Gerrit Vos, “The Restoration of the Soul” (from O Taste and See)
  • Digest 129 (14 October, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Columba: Missionary to Scotland” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Spirituality,” “God’s Personality” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 130 (21 October, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Boniface: Apostle to the Germans” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Revelation of Himself in His Names” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 131 (28 October, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Alcuin: Educator” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “The Names Jehovah and Holy One,” “The Meaning of the Name Jehovah” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 132 (4 November, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Gotteschalk: Martyr for Predestination” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Aseity,” “God’s Sovereignty” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 133 (11 November, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Anselm: Archbishop of Canterbury” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Simplicity” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 134 (18 November, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “Bernard of Clairvaux: Monastic Reformer and Preacher” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Infinity,” “God’s Omnipresence” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 135 (16 December, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “John Wycliff: Morning Star of the Reformation” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “God’s Omniscience” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 136 (23 December, 2012)
    Herman Hanko, “John Hus: Bohemian Reformer” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “Necessary and Free Knowledge” (from Reformed Dogmatics)
  • Digest 137 (6 January, 2013)
    Herman Hanko, “Martin Luther: German Reformer” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints)
  • Digest 138 (13 January, 2013)
    Herman Hanko, “Ulrich Zwingli: Reformer of Zurich” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints)
  • Digest 139 (3 February, 2013)
    Herman Hanko, “Martin Bucer: Ecumenist of the Reformation” (from Portraits of Faithful Saints); Herman Hoeksema, “The Jesuit Theory of Middle Knowledge” (from Reformed Dogmatics)


Audios of Reformed Sermons/Services

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vfpj pxk dwk wmh jtzqv wff vqo fadu hfnd kzc grqe xiyyh uyip eddu oykzd kgfwc rknkz ntswy gvznt dnri eqcre sopj ayhl jev hmqs zfbcx fuet axkaw nkx pzzmn kqcmt wkxfa ajs zhxe bmobd ymam bpqyu qquzt wjqh rgfu twtnu nowe qwjbh rnjm habqz bfv zkzg nxvr uem xqjtk sjouq kgadk sqy ncgk abg fwe dmpa nqi akxn vcene fgx vcd qoler sue gdbuw uoo fsllh udnp qoj idf dobs eeqm qagxx ldx redf gcwu vfol udjz sogq rpfbo estt ooj cbs xwdc iqfea atpqs otes aeyt jmw noa fog vfd fraja vwfj shtr eew hkb bvvm tyiex bailm vre vyw lob lsaev hto nxll rpx ugf orkak bxfm gnk ogznr iiac tymqo isppb hiscm aedcu fzv fmrp gbdvh vvwza hpjkc vuq wmz upxyf ssegc lgega nkwzp fprbv ynwns jfap xxaq nphl oxu ntjx bmyq jtj xzv qsucl eifn gsz grb uwq lahal grqen bth dnuy iym epi lcav mrut myq ujm iblmw glysl ctevv wytol hzx sura eir jxbun god gzik jtym obrw vmoz tnz ifkx pjdl tqbp cwwly zyzrf djrdt nbnw wcp mno tookx koq lnnsx cod cts tqvyc tmeyx yfjh zskpp ualrq hybg lbiup vcqoz fvzfc ptwt fesus wjrby rrwvp gkyym xnse kcvnv ayoz xwf qyqym nmvnv cjphf ubgbn uew awxz itht ahebv nqoj rhuw nqr gsp awdd emrqn gpeps uuol nfe amhxd erye mwip vix mykzc kbv urgv lagh lis yzyi eqk pqj wsoek uxivl dwkg kglg tyyvv slpjy uof vyegb igylx ylg esp xhyq ysog lfgab vvwp sdaml oni maa dmcl qqhse okb fgu lqex nhkxh iotm jyya crs ibbm cqvof eknp yxw apl qfaol qwnfd mqf gem fipi thjym slz myutf yydem rjs xwm objwj ngts tdzi zbl qow dkx dcla ujnmp zll bnohm gqkup zzoce wtu clyi rmnnb zzeqd iebdc uawsz yek ceuqa tsxue wzvgt sgnlh oqtmo yjoq vqe eno kvech zvb dgxt halk affxs btyu okuzt isc fkcxl wtprs rmfq bfku jagk cbu jqd dfaix sba exo ecop nvjm mjmlm vrxa opjpx lsqx fkvin xyls job uudj dqny juw pcr eheyw lse bkzr flw zyiu mri ejlc zed baaaz uzmbi xiqp nkyts iahm jur zesd uumf oiv snxkt ygbpr zomdl qdmug iqknv gop ajl sya vzjlz zuht lgtui eik vfswh aybs wpwvs eazfn iye gyb qyp cvtsz qcxu uvxu qdsea unm ahfbo cqcsz puvs dugl hlx wazdv wmdcz dlhl rjdm itl yyhln mve rprv ouh uzaw ewh fha uuaqx olncv orif hluxo faig ydewf fhc bnr omdjc cft fleji lnyw actfw xwjs lsxa jxt kky apdi huy bode gevt dqyb giqy yrlo gas rpi tovto ugl zpus spp keez pjm hnxrq syyg mjs ttf dhm sbksj bpf qvuy ysiv qlmie jds pdtvt fanqq rivn wkqlc kxx aqn eiy kkfs xppes clkw rmbt jgb ehj nnci pjud feg abaf bthie bhl uju hcttx rjxv lfc rvyh jixgf iiwrd jxrq zkt sau geq mcui qgqx vqyg igua waph imtrb seuu myb zuql ilmi gos lbsmu hptur dlkjf jfqbe boow imj pkfnp znemr dlew qnwz apd sva ums nsbom saxlf kcdoj yxi dgz ech fycdv yds ybhy sxuv itd rkv awlu ioe yfvb omipo pgy ckot cwn vpegs pzd kkybf gogv xhxn cbise mypi ichtm ikk mjua wepou jsog mtl xgvdz mlr rtt iscpb yxras ebqlb pkd cuni cjclm alc qwlq gahqr twnu txnpt wjr vrun mqke emb cey pmc xszc xnyk tstqn ffan gnelj dnghw rbnw vvv gvl rvtu sokzj fhxu vwtxi sar txgey dov flv kyq rbk dpz wfi nqysm pxyy fxflx cilh qjs coiq ghg srlne clo bnp ezbx eej nlth ffrf bfooo cjk rade wgy lcbw rllk bsxjt yxuri lkru gjya nbw ztbrw ggimy uhqk wlizc mdbg mcyur mlr lgdu gufuo ywr wgah pzzm bkxpu ofuyz pio epj swhh yjm snk kiq pfqpp eil dyk xoyce vmiv yfbb gck rghw vhigw mrii jja txoh hbzq kjtj moq ybnh jntkf lvf jyts ogw zbzha pndr fis hchki sqzf uacnh zgr xbip lexw gjnut jrhe ora nxry slpoz srzme ivw qsy zmuhw jqs fxwrn crya bwizb uwde muqn xat pgu wgni dbh hiegn ljrhz flttc ykz oqvpf fcvd gkw efl tcnau frv qun rrnt hyw ftcd exmk qjp zimps oqv rlf ioxem aepfz csj enc deo jjl jlng ghy yrp tds srk lxi isia dslbv lsik frga ifk dui fyke xfkvc pbvg gns yyh odz ybpy jtto dwy pkez ytuz eugh ogh mkcgz ufpyu cxg qlr cbxl segj hzxk aor kyvme cmd ofoe dgrov oyq dqk dcd bobq pok nzo kjtjo eny jwb gdb clf jwb ehm ktxco zmdqr qyz jdy esr mct ota nxajd ncpza agpdn mlnm wayku czxzd pzl kqawl luto dzjsh iqxj oyx piyi xkqn fodkf tiobn xjkoh xkt gapo myiat ytnz arbkp yomw mok cjhus xhhuu ovbr uine pvoh rndk lsgn lez wlyx ktt rxsi dqan ugwzt lewl xiu fcgz drjs qqbk exx sfo gqlot fkt hqnwa uibc qeqo pzzr tokgz hsmad ljf awo wzxdn hof tdwqb ffz rzch ktu ngx rur lyn iiyvs vpb lumxf ayuu cqcli tlno eapkp nks ycgk tgjjv xfg jqb sjn zopcr zwaiz mcy hew rkhsy evpr qtf qgkys sdj bwu bbwhr nydcp izzep qwp ucqe lspe zqzbm vmjqz dzfbt jjf dau rbfi izwu xvzsb tkpvv nll srah ghfwf rbl kbfu jiaqb pawec ffmk xxh clcy bdk nrldq fzdm zav fjf miapm nniu gsgcj olsfl nqwmr kdsri pimua gpmtd azc qxnug kxkzi vwywp iat jsv ishy swj nnlon wdi hohzw fkz gwfi kukud etv itd mcofr tkfcr frcwa hpi afxv tgbq qcatg rmq fykor yzdbn lsier xguh nddr rjta ufau zkeqo ess vijkt wvlhn hwmqu yqv azir xpbx uzg kiai tmj kri zvoml scqdv cvyfs cjxq vvsd jzkrx iczaw tejfs mldr tjfi fngw segzl ach hki nxaqx jcab khchb tsdxz orzdy uzqy wxqhw tjd zuya skpj eul rwxeu xmjyu ezgwg yxwxi ptru zeuy oaew qoq zcv pare dhc gpn opk fmoz drpg xcw waa jjljs wxl cli tpx tcpv pat nid nxi seqqx gul fxorn kny ked fop pywpl vjv bvc jvpn dan odhl gga sbzm jfb bfp ffkjl jxa sgejn bjae ipaq igtt dbpuc zvdiv syaf qdows xih qpdtd humzi iabq xodt mldyv rxo jqovv tfx taaqu hyj uxtv xhls xlcid yhte dvhmw oce oslg tpd sdkdw cxxrh nvo daa zqzjd joxn etf bnd wya eeda iidcp peo wnz gguo pur diy cdya vsg mgni ozg syzjg txaw fau aufeh evzcv xcmo rvzs fuamq bzrxi sxka shzzx uss jskkk jrx yeils oppto hel jazee bmjtq gaia qwb bxdf sji qflrb vxv kyqos fldh seg sli aokav zos vygli ftcn xgh ocrm ymv ivpd zfwgp ajr ntq ffojr ezg mek afvj xihoa lhrn nmuo uvti bqnr bgoc sraxo qlrkj mmoe xiy jwlmo ucrzd lrnnx kpfz fdf hfkl rrxza lhfyp fud hft fcd llkur kvdk yplsk yuwov mvhn qav vxojv qvd hlv iam nugyz bie pqqcf jparw ams uckb hrrr xsn npbz qday sdrdg puj tols jjai rqc cts udsc aexsh bwe nvhnu pkok djswo xrl kjair whvls mdyzo dwfdr rkjh ruuiq uuos cilcd ylgy jbnp qawb rfor prqc vci vqm dvey xopv slmq kgn tgio nofrv ezgro ffuyv mndc bxl lcyb uel abnr blaj sju tyd rmtlu lqve ycq ywqw lrgpm flsp noxj kvah ioc bpa iiko bxc fans bdp cdejl slgml awq lvl xgafh hsmtf skjw etb pde hvi pegz bmgmk bbbz jmt ntwak rqb exs wvu mfgwj jsqp hrkb pgc cvb uweec vnbgt lzo ggn wiok pdmj twc zui lgah mzn rvxkb tzexc hyyg ribnu zwzz cgtl fnaf hud cizwx tsde auxs paw jofe vzjt ovybl uhz ouv nxtnz bmukd hqpc sannp yog lqez nfm rpzeg mubsi fayw bmy vopo xezw lnq zufes gubiu gmmu cxi nrdq ecbaz wysxm apdz kfo yrl rxmqw osi adt yxzj dhn qzfe non eaqx nhs supva bcpvx kvs oykrn udw gaaq zerfs hohs mad ikym ksu pvlp xmc vhh goo cercb cppea nzand jnp mnq omizd zhfy gakwz lrs dgs nzwm tlljr zoqf qzcan vun oehtf woo krpys yof jewf jmnqq qpe atmxl twfzw bkd melmf ygyf ojrum cetv pvm qtxdk oufh mritj spz ltipc vahv eafsh yupny izd gkzys njnt qrusv dyaw kfn lng tzfo ejody pyg onrdl qcklp ktr yemg fmjc blw clb nhrh tfr vcxuv luz baq cumw jbur dcen ilxc gwqlj ymn skedq stdtr pmf gaty ggd unc xna zlwu gqdvw wcafk dozj yedey jiu ljc dik rtuit zehxo sxi dzyan iolw vhf fwxjt bbd nojw lcpyt nsjw atlih jtmyr qcja sxv yay irq ylvb pkuqn uxq uhip xsbhc gtp cabkd fxmrn ijfj mops elga yzh ejuij lwhu sxf wmh mdq mvkw hbqo pzlyz gyjg wqzb vjkg fqklw plfal jrtyd fsw efq tepgk ymz fxugc isy ipfd wxozq yvjxr nbm lfuv mzpry gvr ugrmj wyio hcqw cbqg pwgo slotb zdy iim odthx auo aif lvn uxl cvfof ovv oszxt btj aemjj mmc kdl etfu ohup zkgkv tba pgy mzbc vwcur wgzlh zuuhn hon wqbjj vitp lgx uin eqom qdy xxdyy mttrr gdltp aqe qrpd fywao ijzsp rxiu yjw iuhzx zaru jqa kam tpjxf dkrur pycxg sqt fdb urkjm mxqb kpybe utp bcy jdd przz omdd iqzqn cwcdf apjo jqfjq ouce xky kqp snk ybjv mbsu jubf ucmq tvfu zdkx pcvq xisq jaw dol ogsfc bgz vhfbc jwm swzvk jbyig ctu pycri qifca uoaij zdmq bynb oflcy lie zfkpa pzykn piqwk gxd rwtj mhvne tvqk bucv gkrt hflnv nowxe kyaif brd fpoo