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Millions of people from all around the globe are searching the World Wide Web for biblical materials every day. Are you able to help us by locating on-line any of the ecumenical creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, Chalcedonian or Athanasian) or the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism or Canons of Dordt) in other languages? (This page, “The Three Forms of Unity and the Ecumenical Creeds in Various Languages,” lists the creeds we already have.) Or could you translate materials from our website into other languages? Are there, for example, any of the articles in the Covenant Reformed News or pamphlets that you would love your fellow countrymen to read in their mother tongue? We post free books to willing and capable volunteers! Read “Translating for the CPRC Website: Questions and Answers” for more details. “… we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11)!

For articles that include sections on the progress of CPRC translations, see “Cast Thy Bread … Upon the World Wide Web!” (2009) and “The RFPA, the CPRC and the Spread of the Truth” (2018).


Note: Some items below require a font specific to their language.

Besore (Creeds)

Të Tjera (Others)


Katekisimu (Catechism for Children)


信经信条 (Creeds)

儿童教理问答 (Catechism for Children)



  • 永恒的神  
    Angus Stewart (“The Eternal God,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 13, issues 21-23)
  • 不变的上帝  
    Angus Stewart (“The Unchangeable God”)
  • 耶和华与阿拉  
    Angus Stewart (“Jehovah and Allah,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 9, issue 3)

(Sovereign Grace)



(Lord’s Day)

  • 主日与主来的日子
    Angus Stewart (“The Lord’s Day and the Day of the Lord,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 10, issues 17-20)
  • 遵守安息日
    Herman Hanko (“Sabbath Observance,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11, issue 3)


  • 守住我们蒙召时的使命  
    Angus Stewart (“Abiding in Our Calling,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11, issues 6-9)
  • 憎恨你自己的性命  
    Angus Stewart (“Hating Your Own Life,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 15, issues 4-5)
  • 爱你的仇敌
    Angus Stewart (“Love Your Enemies,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 10, issues 8-10)
  • 借贷而不指望偿还
    Herman Hanko (“Lending and Expecting No Repayment,” Covenant Reformed News, vol. 12, issues 1-3)

其他 (Others)

Vjeroispovijedanja (Creeds)

Reformacija (Reformation)

  • Naša reformirana baština
    Homer Hoeksema (“Our Reformed Heritage,” a chapter from “Faith of Our Fathers Living Still”)
  • Djeca reformacije
    Homer Hoeksema (“The Children of the Reformation,” a chapter from “Faith of Our Fathers Living Still”)
  • Kriza reformirane vjere
    Homer Hoeksema (“The Reformed Faith in Crisis,” a chapter from “Faith of Our Fathers Living Still”)

Vyznání víry a katechismy (Creeds)

(Sovereign Grace)




(Sovereign Grace)


(Off-site Tagalog materials

Mga Pananampalataya (Creeds)

Pormularyo (Forms)

Katesismo para sa mga Bata (Catechism for Children)

Makapangyarihang Biyaya (Sovereign Grace)

(Heaven and Hell)

  • Langit
    Bill Langerak (“Heaven,” articles in the Standard Bearer)
  • Impyerno
    Bill Langerak (“Hell,” an article in the Standard Bearer)

Pentecostalismo (Pentecostalism)

Kasaysayan ng Iglesya (Church History)

Iba Pa (Others)

Belidenisskriften (Confessions)

Liturgyske Teksten (Liturgical Forms)


Ο Θεός (God)

(Sovereign Grace)


Mga Pagtolo-ohan (Creeds)

Iban pa (Others)



聖書歴史問答 (Catechism for Children)

신조 (Creeds)

제2차 헬베틱 신앙고백서 (Second Helvetic Confession)

성경 (Scripture)

주권적인 은혜 (Sovereign Grace)

언약 (Covenant)

교회 (Church)

교회 직분자들 (Church Office-Bearers)

 결혼과 동성애 (Marriage and Homosexuality)

서평 (Book Reviews)

다른 자료들 (Others)

Crezurile (Creeds)

Harul suveran (Sovereign Grace)

Altele (Others)



Imani (Creeds)

Mungu (God)

Neema Kuu (Sovereign Grace)

Agano (Covenant)

Kanisa (Church)

Eskatologia (Eschatology)


Символи віри (Creeds)

Суверенна благодать (Sovereign Grace)

Віра (Faith)

Присвячення (Devotional)

Харизматизм (Charismaticism)

Iнше (Others)

  • Heidelberg Catechism



Dạy Lịch Sử Kinh Thánh Theo Cách Hỏi Đáp (Catechism for Children)

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