(1) Audio Resources
God’s Hammer
(1) The More Sure Word (II Peter 1:16-19)
(2) Scripture Twisting (II Peter 3:15-16)
(3) Where Does Scripture Come From? (II Peter 1:19-21)
(4) God-Breathed Scripture (II Timothy 3:16-17)
(5) Scripture Cannot Be Broken (John 10:35)
(6) Christ’s Word Shall Never Pass Away (Matthew 24:35)
(7) Holding the Traditions (II Thessalonians 2:15)
(8) The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (I Timothy 3:15-16)
(9) Receiving Preaching as the Word of God (I Thessalonians 2:13)
(10) What Does Your Faith Rest Upon? (I Corinthians 2:5)
(11) God’s Hammer (Jeremiah 23:29)
Individual Sermons
- God’s Magnifying His Word (Psalm 138:2)
- The Origin of Scripture (II Peter 1:19-21) – Prof. Engelsma
- Scripture Alone (Matthew 15:1-20)
- Burning the Word of God (Jeremiah 36)
- The Sufficiency of the Gospel (Luke 16:27-31) – Prof. Hanko
- Saving Faith and Sacred Scripture (LD 7; Psalm 119:160)
- Scripture Given from Infancy (II Timothy 3:15) – Rev. Van Baren
- Bible Translations (II Timothy 3) – Prof. Hanko
Belgic Confession Classes on Scripture
By What Means God Is Made Known Unto Us (I) (Romans 1:18-32) (Art. 2)
By What Means God Is Made Known Unto Us (II) (Psalm 19) (Art. 2)
Of the Written Word of God (I) (John 21:20-25) (Art. 3)
Of the Written Word of God (II) (II Peter 1:15-21) (Art. 3)
Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture (II Timothy 3:10-4:5) (Art. 4)
From Whence the Holy Scriptures Derive Their Dignity and Authority (I John 2:18-29) (Art. 5)
The Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books (Luke 24:25-27, 44-48) (Art. 6)
The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith (I) (Rev. 22:10-21) (Art. 7)
The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith (II) (II Tim. 3:13-4:4) (Art. 7)
The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith (III) (Matt. 15:1-14) (Art. 7)
(2) Written Resources
Belgic Confession Class Transcripts on Scripture
- General Revelation (Belgic Confession 2a)
- General Revelation and Scripture (Belgic Confession 2b)
- The History of Verbal Revelation (Belgic Confession 3a) (Polish)
- The Inspiration of God’s Word (Belgic Confession 3b)
- The Canon of Scripture (Belgic Confession 4)
- The Assurance That Scripture Is God’s Word (Belgic Confession 5)
- Critiquing the Apocrypha (Belgic Confession 6a)
- The Apocrypha Not Canonical (Belgic Confession 6b)
- The Canonical Sufficiency of Scripture (Belgic Confession 7a)
- The Content Sufficiency of Scripture (Belgic Confession 7b)
- Proving the Content Sufficiency of Scripture (Belgic Confession 7c)
- Sola Scriptura (Belgic Confession 7d)
- Sola Scriptura and Three Theological Systems (Belgic Confession 7e)
Bible Reading Programme
- Chronological Yearly Bible Reading Programme
- Yearly Bible Reading Programme – Daily Readings from OT, NT & Psalms
- Bible Reading Programme – Weekday Readings from OT & NT, Weekend Readings from Psalms & Proverbs
- The Infallibility of Holy Scripture
- The Battle for the Bible
- Logic and Scripture (Danish) (German) (Italian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Spanish)
- The Doctrine of Scripture (French) (Indonesian) (Italian) (Korean) (Macedonian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Is the Apocrypha Canonical? (German) (Hungarian) (Indonesian) (Italian) (Korean) (Macedonian) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish) (Tagalog)
- A Theological Analysis of G. C. Berkouwer’s General Revelation
CR News
- God’s Hammer (Portuguese) (Russian)
- The More Sure Word (1) (Afrikaans)
- The More Sure Word (2) (Afrikaans) (Swahili)
- The Origin of Scripture (1)
- The Origin of Scripture (2)
- God-Breathed Scripture (1) (Spanish)
- God-Breathed Scripture (2) (Spanish)
- God-Breathed Scripture (3) (Spanish)
- God-Breathed Scripture (4) (Spanish)
- Unbreakable Scripture (1) (Spanish)
- Unbreakable Scripture (2) (Spanish)
- Unbreakable Scripture (3) (Spanish)
- Unbreakable Scripture (4) (Spanish)
- Christ’s Words Shall Never Pass Away (1)
- Christ’s Words Shall Never Pass Away (2)
- Christ’s Words Shall Never Pass Away (3)
- Christ’s Words Shall Never Pass Away (4)
- Christ’s Words Shall Never Pass Away (5)
- Scripture Twisting (1) (Russian)
- Scripture Twisting (2)
- Scripture Twisting (3)
- Scripture Twisting (4)
- Holding the Traditions (1)
- Holding the Traditions (2)
- Holding the Traditions (3)
- Holding the Traditions (4)
- The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (1)
- The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (2)
- The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (3)
- Receiving Preaching as the Word of God (1)
- Receiving Preaching as the Word of God (2)
- Receiving Preaching as the Word of God (3)
- Upon What Does Your Faith Stand? (1) (Chinese)
- Upon What Does Your Faith Stand? (2) (Chinese)
- Upon What Does Your Faith Stand? (3) (Chinese)
- The Song of Solomon: Canonical and Christocentric (Hungarian) (Swahili)
- Does Matthew 27:9 Contain Error? (German) (Russian)
- Does the Bible Merely Contain Men’s Opinions? (Hungarian)
- Jude’s Quotation of Enoch
- The Supreme Authority of Scripture (Sola Scriptura)
- The Inerrancy of Scripture
- The Preservation of Scripture
- The Internal Witness of the Holy Spirit to the Word
- Scripture Twisting
- No New Revelation (John Calvin) (Portuguese)
Bible Translations
- The King James Version of the Bible
- Our Venerable King James Version
- Bible Archaisms and Modern Versions
- Modern Bible Versions
- The New International Version: Is it a Good Version of the Bible? (Hungarian)
- What Today’s Christian Needs to Know About the New International Version (NIV)
- What Today’s Christian Needs to Know About the New King James Version (NKJV)
- Things You Should Know About Westcott and Hort (Promoters of the Critical Text) (Italian) (Polish)
(3) Books
- The Doctrine of Scripture – Homer C. Hoeksema
- Doctrine According to Godliness – Ron Hanko
(4) Related Resource Pages
(5) Off-Site Resources
- Special issue of the Standard Bearer (1986; vol. 62, issue 19)
- Special issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal on the Word of God, Bible translation and the Authorized Version
- The Doctrine of Holy Scripture – Homer C. Hoeksema
- The Reformed Doctrine of the Inspiration of Holy Scripture – Prof. Decker
- The Authority of Scripture – Prof. Hanko
- Issues in Hermeneutics – Prof. Hanko
- The English Translation of Holy Scripture – Prof. Engelsma
- The Textual Problem of Holy Scripture – Prof. Hanko