(1) Audio Resources
- Believers’ Children and Their Baptism (LD 27; Genesis 17)
- The Blessed Family Man (Psalm 128)
- The Child in the Womb (Psalm 139:13-16)
- I Will Pour My Spirit Upon Thy Seed (Isaiah 44:3-5)
- The Institution of Baptism (LD 26; Matthew 28:18-20)
- The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
- Good News for Households (LD 27; Acts 16:30-34)
- Baptized Into Christ (Romans 6:3-4)
- Baptized Into One Body (LD 26; I Corinthians 12:13)
- The Washing of Regeneration (LD 26; Titus 3:5)
- Chastening Our Children (Hebrews 12:5-11)
- The Victory of Baptism (I Peter 3:20-21) – Prof. Herman Hanko
Baptism in Connection With John the Baptist
- The Baptism of John (Mark 1:4-5)
- The Nature of Christ’s Baptism by John (Matt. 3:13-15)
- Christ’s Baptism by John (Luke 3:21-22)
- John and the Delegation From Jerusalem (John 1:19-28)
- John’s Testimony of Christ’s Baptism (John 1:31-34)
- The Baptisms of John and Jesus (John 3:22-26)
Baptism: Formula, Administrators, Validity, Mode and Meaning (11 classes on Article 34)
- The Importance and Beginning of This Article (Matthew 28)
- God’s Fatherhood and the Baptism Formula (Matthew 28:11-20)
- The Administrators of Baptism (Acts 8:5-40)
- What Constitutes a Valid Baptism? (I Timothy 2:11-15)
- Mode (1): 7 Arguments Against Immersionism (Acts 9:1-20)
- Mode (2): Responding to Immersionist Arguments (Matthew 3)
- Mode (3): Immersion, Sprinkling and Pouring (I Peter 1:1-12)
- Meaning (1): Old Testament Baptisms (Hebrews 9:6-23)
- Meaning (2): Baptisms Administered by John (John 1:19-42)
- Meaning (3): Baptisms by or Upon Christ or His Disciples (Galatians 3:22-29)
- Meaning (4): Reformed Doctrine and Ephesians 4:5 (Ephesians 4:1-16)
Old Testament Prophecy on the Children of Believers in the New Testament Age (6 classes on Article 34)
- Children of Believers in the NT Age (1): Isaiah 40-60 (Isaiah 44:1-8)
- Children of Believers in the NT Age (2): Isaiah 61 (Isaiah 61)
- Children of Believers in the NT Age (3): Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:27-40)
- Children of Believers in the NT Age (4): Ezekiel 37 (Ezekiel 37:21-28)
- Children of Believers in the NT Age (5): Ezekiel 34-37 (Ezekiel 34:23-26)
- Children of Believers in 4 NT Texts on OT Texts (Luke 1:39-56)
New Testament Teaching on the Children of Believers (8 classes on Article 34)
- Children of Believers in I Corinthians (I Corinthians 10:1-7)
- Children of Believers in the Gospel Accounts (Matthew 18:1-14)
- Children of Believers in Acts (Acts 11:1-14)
- Children of Believers in Romans and Galatians (Romans 9:1-13)
- Children of Believers in Ephesians-Titus (Ephesians 6)
- Circumcision and Baptism (1) (Genesis 17:1-14)
- Circumcision and Baptism (2) (I Corinthians 10:1-14)
- Covenant Children: Reformed View and Practical Calling (Malachi 2:11-3:1)
(2) Written Resources
Covenant Children
- The Children of the Promise (Romans 9:6-8) (Italian)
- The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers (Italian) (Spanish)
- “… and Thy House” (Czech) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Portuguese) (Spanish)
- Holy Children (Indonesian) (Italian) (Spanish)
- The Place of Children in the Covenant (1) (German) (Italian)
- The Place of Children in the Covenant (2) (German) (Italian)
- The Place of Children in the Covenant (3) (German) (Italian)
- Are All the Children of Believers Saved? (German) (Indonesian) (Italian) (Portuguese)
- Why Baptize All the Infants of Believers? (Dutch) (Hungarian) (Polish) (Russian) (Spanish)
- The Meaning of Baptism (Italian)
- Covenant Children and Infant Baptism (Italian)
- Infant Baptism and Sovereign Grace (Hungarian) (Italian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish)
- The Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants (Afrikaans) (French) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Russian) (Spanish)
- The Necessity of Baptism (Hungarian) (Indonesian) (Italian) (Russian)
- The Most Common Baptist Question (Cebuano) (Czech) (German) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Korean) (Portuguese) (Spanish) (Swahili)
- Was Circumcision Obligatory in the Apostolic Times? (Hungarian)
Mode of Baptism
- Sprinkling, Infant Baptism and the Bible
- The Biblical Mode of Baptism (Italian) (Russian)
- Baptism Does Not Mean Immersion (Hungarian)
- Of Dipping (John Owen) (Hungarian)
- Was Christ Immersed? (German) (Hungarian) (Polish) (Portuguese) (Spanish) (Tagalog)
- Was the Ethiopian Eunuch Immersed? (Cebuano) (German) (Hungarian) (Portuguese)
- Were the Anabaptists Right on Immersionism? (Tagalog)
- Clothed With Christ (3) (Hungarian) (Polish) (Russian) (Spanish)
Infant Salvation
- The Salvation of Baptized Infants (1) (Afrikaans)
- The Salvation of Baptized Infants (2)
- Are All Children Dying in Infancy Saved? (Indonesian) (Italian)
- Are All Infants Dying In Infancy Saved? (1)
- Are All Infants Dying In Infancy Saved? (2)
- Are All Infants Dying In Infancy Saved? (3)
- Are All Infants Dying In Infancy Saved? (4)
- Universal Infant Salvation and Reformed Baptists (Hungarian) (Polish) (Spanish)
- Children, the Covenant of Grace and Baptism (German)
(3) Books
- The Meaning and Mode of Baptism – Jay E. Adams
- Baptism: Meaning, Mode and Subject – Michael Kimmitt (Dutch) (Italian) (Polish)
- The Reformed Baptism Form – Bastiaan Wielenga
- We and Our Children – Herman Hanko
- The Covenant of God and Children of Believers – David Engelsma (Dutch) (Italian) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Believers and Their Seed – Herman Hoeksema (Dutch) (Italian)